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5 Tips for Parents for Effective Home-Based Learning

With so many schools closing because of the coronavirus, your children may now be staying at home with you and you have to make sure their education continues. Here are five tips to help your children continue their education at home.

1. Don’t Overthink It

No one is expecting you to recreate your child’s classroom experience. So, make your own. Use the resources that your child’s school is offering — online classes, physical books, and other materials. On top of that, use what materials you have at home.

2. Set up a Learning Space

Your child will need a place where she could focus on her lessons or activities. This could be the child’s room or a part of the living room. And if the school offers online lessons, the computer should be accessible to her and you as the facilitating adult. Her other school material within reach, as well, or stored in an easily-movable case so the child can take them wherever she feels comfortable studying.

3. Have a Realistic Schedule

While you’re not expected to recreate your child’s classroom in your home, it would do her good to maintain the schedule structure that she is used to when she was going to school. It would give her a sense of routine, of her doing school except that it’s at home. But if you observe that your child learns better at a different time of the day, adjust the schedule accordingly. The goal, after all, is for your child to continue learning, not to maintain school schedules.

4. Be a Facilitator

You don’t have to be your child’s teacher. If your child’s school has shifted to a home-based learning system with online classes, you will act more like a facilitator or teacher’s aide. Just follow the program but be ready to answer any questions that your child may ask.

If you were homeschooling your child even before the coronavirus pandemic, you are the still primary teacher. But now, you have to find ways to fill the gaps left by tours, music lessons, sports clubs, and other out-of-the-house learning activities that are now cancelled. For this, the internet is your friend. Look for virtual tours, documentaries, demo videos, and other learning media that you can use.

5. You Don’t Need to Study the Whole Day

Limit dedicated schooling time. Allow for some free time for your children to stretch their minds and bodies in more leisurely activities, or just relax. Let them play with their toys or draw what they want to draw, or do whatever they find enjoyable. If they miss their friends, set up an online meeting for them. You can also do the same for yourself and your friends.

Just because school premises are closed doesn’t mean learning has to stop. Make the most of what you have and what the schools offer to keep your children learning.

Articles Main Page News

12 Proven Ways for Effective Distance Learning

As COVID-19 continues to spread and cities go into quarantine, more schools have been forced to close. These closures may go on for weeks, even months.

How can teachers and school administrators step up to the challenge?

Thanks to the internet and collaborative software, teachers can still conduct lessons online.

Teachers can set up virtual classrooms with teamwork hubs like Microsoft Teams, which is available for free to educational institutions. Using this tool, teachers can show PowerPoint presentations, use a digital whiteboard in real-time, and share links to the best online supporting sources.

Here are some tips that will help you get the best results from distance learning tools:

  1. Record lectures instead of streaming
  2. Show your face for a personal touch
  3. Limit each lesson 15 minutes or less
  4. Test if slides are mobile-friendly
  5. Use existing open-access resources
  6. Give specific and detailed instructions
  7. Provide interactive activities
  8. Make sure all content and navigation are accessible using the keyboard alone
  9. Set reasonable expectations
  10. Use auto-checking to measure participation
  11. Use group communications carefully
  12. Let students take control of certain activities

Don’t forget to express sympathy and encouragement to both students and their parents, who often oversee the online lessons at home. These are trying times, but we can still maintain connection even while practicing social distancing.

Interested to start home education with online tools? NUADU, in partnership with Microsoft, can help you set up a virtual classroom.

News Poland

186 mln zł na walkę z wykluczeniem cyfrowym uczniów

Od 1 kwietnia wszystkie gminy oraz powiaty mogą wnioskować o sfinansowanie zakupu sprzętu oraz oprogramowania do zdalnej edukacji. Środki mogą przeznaczyć na wdrożenie platformy do nauczania NUADU.

Projekt warty 186 milionów złotych jest jedną z odpowiedzi Ministerstwa Cyfryzacji na obecną sytuację szkolnictwa.

  • Każdy samorząd w Polsce może zostać objęty finansowaniem
  • Wystarczy złożyć wniosek, aby dostać gwarancję otrzymania środków
  • Formularz wniosku jest bardzo prosty i przejrzysty

Wniosek można złożyć dzięki witrynie: i dołączyć do ponad 1 000 gmin które skorzystały już ze wsparcia.

Zdalna Klasa z NUADU to prosty w obsłudze system, dzięki któremu szkoły mogą w pełni kontynuować nauczanie zgodnie z podstawą programową MEN.

logotypy NUADU Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Partner

NUADU w połączeniu z aplikacją Microsoft Teams pozwala nauczycielom prowadzić zajęcia dzięki wideokonferencjom i jednocześnie pracować z uczniami wykorzystując tysiące dostępnych zadań.

Zdalne wdrożenie to tylko 3 kroki:

  • Złożenie zamówienia.
  • Umówienie szkolenia online.
  • Wprowadzenie danych klas.

Gwarantujemy uruchomienie systemu dla całej szkoły w ciągu 24 godzin oraz całodobowe wsparcie.

Dawid Jakubowski
+48 606 267 600

Indonesia News

Siapkan ruang kelas online kolaboratif Anda menggunakan alat yang tepat

NUADU berkolaborasi dengan Microsoft Teams solution memiliki solusi lengkap di mana guru dapat menjalankan kelas mereka melalui alat konferensi video langsung dan, pada saat yang sama, memonitor kemajuan setiap siswa sesuai dengan kurikulum yang diterapkan.

Sebagian besar anak-anak dan remaja tidak dapat bersekolah karena himbuaan yang diamanatkan oleh pemerintah dalam upaya untuk memperlambat penyebaran COVID-19. Kelas-kelaspun dijalankan online menggunakan berbagai platform atau banyak pula yang benar-benar tidak dapat menjalankan kegiatan belajar-mengajar.

Tujuan utama kami adalah memberi guru dan otoritas pendidikan ,sebanyak yang diperlukan, untuk melanjutkan kegiatan sehari-hari mereka, guna memastikan para siswa tetap dapat melakukan aktivitas pendidikannya pada situasi krisis yang terjadi saat ini.

NUADU berkolaborasi dengan Microsoft Teams solution memiliki solusi lengkap di mana guru dapat menjalankan kelas mereka melalui alat konferensi video langsung dan, pada saat yang sama, memonitor kemajuan setiap siswa sesuai dengan kurikulum yang diterapkan.

Solusi ini dirancang dengan penuh perhitungan sesuai dengan kebutuhan sekolah sehingga para guru dapat mempertahankan peran mereka dan terus bekerja walaupun dalam kondisi home-based. Peemasangan alat yang mudah, seperti alat plug and play, sehingga Rekan Pengajar tidak perlu mengkhawatirkan perihal birokrasi, rapat, dan lokakarya.

NUADU dan Microsoft Teams solution memfasilitasi para Guru untuk:

  • PowerPoint dengan ‘shared screen’, berbagai sumber dari website, serta informasi tambahan lainnya untuk semua peserta yang bergabung dengan kelas online;
  • Memberikan tugas di ruang kelas seperti halnya dalam tugas fisik (kelas);
  • Melakukan kuliah langsung dan sesi feedback/penilaian tatap muka;
  • Materi pelajaran direkam dan dapat dibagikan agar peserta kelas dapat mempelajari kembali materi yang diberikan;
  • Menggunakan konten yang sudah rapi dan dipersiapkan dengan matang untuk kenyamanan peserta kelasMenggunakan konten yang sudah rapi dan dipersiapkan dengan matang untuk kenyamanan peserta kelas;
  • Berdiskusi dengan siswa dan dalam kelompok;
  • Memonitor kemajuan yang berhubungan dengan kurikulum dan silabus;

Jangan ragu dalam membuat pilihan yang tepat untuk sekolah.

Hubungi kami dan perwakilan kami akan memandu Anda dalam menerapkan Kelas Online Kolaboratif.


Set up a collaborative online classroom using the right tools

NUADU combined with Microsoft Teams is a complete solution in which teachers can run their classroom via videoconferences and track the progress of every individual student according to the curriculum. 

A record number of children and youth are not attending school because of closures mandated by governments in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19. Classes will be run online using wise tools or will not be run at all.

Our ultimate goal is to give teachers and education authorities as much as is needed to continue their day to day activities, ensuring that their students are progressing in this challenging and sudden environment that surrounds us all.

NUADU combined with Microsoft Teams solution has a complete solution in which teachers can run their classroom via live video conferencing tools and, at the same time, track the progress of every individual student according to the curriculum.

The solution is strictly designed for school usage so the teachers can maintain their roles and continue to work in a home-based condition.

Setting up is smooth like a plug and play tools, so do not have to worry about bureaucracy, meetings, and workshops.

NUADU and Microsoft Teams solution enable teachers to:

  • Screen share PowerPoints’, website resources other additional resources to all participants joining the online classroom;
  • Launch assignment in the classroom just like in a physical one;
  • Conduct live lectures and face to face feedback sessions;  
  • Record and share for future repetitions;  
  • Use ready-made content for their convenience;
  • Chat with students and in the group;  
  • Track progress linked to curriculum and syllabus;  

Do not hesitate to make the right choice for your school.

Contact us and our representative will guide you to the Collaborative Online Classroom.

News Offer Vietnam

Học trực tuyến chính là giải pháp cho các trường học trong thời kỳ khó khăn

Giai đoạn khó khăn hiện nay đã làm thay đổi suy nghĩ và nhận thức của chúng ta về việc giảng dạy. Để đảm bảo an toàn cho thế hệ trẻ, nhiều trường học đang tổ chức dạy trực tuyến và cho học sinh học ở nhà để theo kịp chương trình giảng dạy.

Giáo viên chịu không ít áp lực khi phải tìm ra công cụ học tập trực tuyến nào hiệu quả và vừa phải học cách sử dụng thành thạo. Thông thường, giáo viên sẽ kết hợp các công cụ có thể để tạo ra một lớp học trực tuyến nhưng lại không mấy hiệu quả vì việc triển khai công nghệ khá khó khăn, và giáo viên cần làm quen với các thuật ngữ mới lạ như AI, SaaS, học máy, v.v.

 Tại sao chúng ta lại không nghĩ đến một nền tảng được thiết kế riêng cho việc học trực tuyến giúp cho quá trình này trở nên dễ dàng hơn?

Chúng tôi mang đến một hệ thống học tập trực tuyến mà chỉ mất 1 ngày để tiến hành cài đặt.

NUADU là một công cụ hỗ trợ học trực tuyến, giúp các trường học phản ứng nhanh với khủng hoảng và tránh làm gián đoạn việc học tập của học sinh ngay cả khi có dịch bệnh xảy ra.

Chúng tôi mang lại hệ thống quản trị giáo dục cá nhân hóa dựa trên dữ liệu giúp học sinh đạt được mục tiêu học tập mọi lúc, mọi nơi. Học sinh chỉ cần tải ứng dụng di động miễn phí sẽ nhận được bài tập giáo viên giao và học theo tốc độ của riêng mình ngay trên điện thoại.

Lợi ích:

  • Giao bài tập và truy cập tài liệu tương tác
  • Hệ thống tự động đánh giá chấm điểm ngay lúc học giúp giáo viên tiết kiệm thời gian hơn
  • Phản hồi cho từng học sinh ngay lập tức
  • Theo dõi hiệu quả học tập từng cá nhân, một nhóm và cả lớp
  • Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật trong thời gian học trực tuyến.

Tiến trình:

  • Chạy demo
  • Họp thảo luận
  • Kí kết hợp đồng
  • Đào tạo sử dụng
  • Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật

Bạn có đang quan tâm vấn đề này?

Điền ngay thông tin vào mẫu để chúng tôi liên hệ hỗ trợ bạn về hệ thống NUADU nhé!

Indonesia News Offer

Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh sebagai Jawaban Situasi Krisis untuk Sekolah

Berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi belakangan ini, memaksa kita untuk mengubah pandangan kita tentang bagaimana proses belajar-mengajar harus tetap diterapkan dalam situasi krisis. Dengan pertimbangan keamanan, lebih banyak institusi pendidikan yang menerapkan sistem homeschooling dan pembelajaran paruh waktu untuk tetap dapat mengikuti kurikulum Pendidikan sekolah.

Guru diharuskan untuk mencari tahu alat/cara pembelajaran online mana yang paling bagus dan juga bagaimana cara menggunakannya. Seringkali, sekolah membaurkan beberapa kanal online untuk membuat ruang kelas virtual – dengan hasil yang beragam. Hal ini bisa jadi tidak membantu dalam mengimplementasi teknologi di dalam proses belajar mengajar karena guru perlu belajar berbagai istilah baru seperti AI, SaaS, pembelajaran mesin, dan banyak lagi.

Lalu mengapa tidak membuat proses lebih mudah dengan cukup menggunakan platform yang memang dirancang untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh?

Kami merancang platform pembelajaran jarak jauh yang dapat Anda terapkan dalam 1 hari

NUADU merupakan platform yang siap digunakan untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh, serta memungkinkan Anda untuk menanggapi krisis dengan cepat sehingga penyelenggaraan tahun ajaran tidak terganggu – bahkan selama wabah.

Kami menawarkan sistem berbasis data untuk proses pembelajaran yang terpersonalisasi sehingga dapat membantu siswa Anda mencapai tujuan akademik mereka kapan saja, di mana saja. Murid-murid hanya cukup mengunduh aplikasi seluler gratis, yang memberi tahu mereka tentang tugas baru yang diberikan dan memungkinkan mereka belajar dengan cara mereka sendiri melalui smartphone masing-masing.

Pembelajaran jarak jauh NUADU dashboard


  • Memberikan kegiatan dan akses sumber pembelajaran yang interaktif
  • Menghemat waktu dalam penilaian dan penugasan; platform kami melakukan itu secara otomatis dan real time
  • Memberikan feedback yang tepat dan cepat bagi setiap individu untuk tiap penugasan
  • Memantau kinerja pada level individu, grup, dan kelas
  • Bantuan teknis terkait operasional secara real time

Proses untuk penerapan Distance Learning:

  • Demo
  • Pertemuan awal
  • Penandatanganan perjanjian
  • Pelatihan dan bimbingan untuk penggunaan fitur Distance Learning
  • Bantuan teknis lainnya


Isi formulir kontak di bawah ini agar tim kami dapat menghubungi Anda untuk mendiskusikan bagaimana NUADU dapat membantu Anda dalam menerapkan sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh.

News Offer

Distance Learning as a Crisis Response for Schools

Recent events are changing how we think about teaching. With safety in mind, more educational institutions are organizing homeschooling and part-time distance learning to keep up with the curriculum.

Teachers are under pressure to figure out which online learning tools work best and how to use them. Often, they cobble together a mix of online tools to create a virtual classroom — with mixed results. It doesn’t help that technology implementation can be quite daunting, as teachers need to learn new jargon like AI, SaaS, machine learning, etc.

Why not make the process easier with a platform that’s tailored for distance learning?

We designed a distance learning platform that you can implement in 1 day

NUADU is a ready-to-use tool for distance learning that allows you to respond quickly to crises and avoid disrupting the school year — even during an epidemic.

We offer a data-driven system for personalized education that will help your students reach their academic goals anytime, anywhere. All they have to do is download the complimentary mobile app, which informs them of new activities assigned and lets them study at their own pace using their smartphones.

NUADU distance learning platform dashboard


  • Assign activities and access interactive resources
  • Save time on grading and assessment; our platform does that automatically in real time
  • Provide individualized and instant feedback to students’ work
  • Track and monitor performance on an individual, group, and class level
  • Real-time technical support

Remote process:

  • Demo
  • Initial meetings
  • Agreement signing
  • User training and tutoring
  • Technical support


Fill in our contact form so we can reach you to discuss how NUADU can assist you in distance learning.

News Offer Poland

Edukacja zdalna z NUADU

Rozwiązanie dla szkół w dobie zagrożenia pandemią – platforma do edukacji zdalnej

Szanowni Państwo,

w związku z obecną sytuacją w polskim szkolnictwie i zagrożeniem pandemią koronawirusa, pragniemy zaoferować Państwu NUADU – rozwiązanie, które zostało zaprojektowane z myślą o edukacji zdalnej i nauczaniu asynchronicznym.

Proponujemy ekspresowe wdrożenie naszego systemu e-learningowego we wszystkich placówkach podstawowych. Oferujemy gotową do działania platformę edukacyjną, wraz z darmowym wdrożeniem i ekspresowym trybem zawarcia umowy. Zagrożenie wirusem nie oznacza, że lekcje zostają wstrzymane!


  1. Ponad 300 000 zadań z większości przedmiotów szkół podstawowych.
  2. Pełną zgodność z podstawą programową.
  3. Zdalne utworzenie kont dla uczniów i nauczycieli.
  4. Zdalne szkolenia z obsługi systemu.
  5. Zdalne podpisanie umowy obowiązującej do końca roku szkolnego.
  6. Wdrożenie systemu w 24h od przekazania list uczniów i nauczycieli.
NUADU - aplikacja do nauki zdalnej na komputer, telefon i tablet
NUADU to platforma wspierająca edukację zdalną

NUADU to platforma stworzona do nauczania zdalnego. Łatwa w obsłudze i implementacji. Miasto Gdynia korzysta i poleca to rozwiązanie

Bartłomiej Przybyciel – Z-ca naczelnika Wydziału Edukacji w Gdyni 

Zachęcamy także do zapoznania się z reportażem, którego bohaterami są użytkownicy naszego systemu: nauczyciele, uczniowie, włodarze miast i jednostki samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce.

Dawid Jakubowski
+48 606 267 600
Indonesia News Offer

Distance Learning (pembelajaran jarak jauh): Pendidikan di masa COVID-19 dan Cuaca Ekstrim

Tahun ini baru berjalan sampai di Februari, namun kita telah menyaksikan kebakaran besar di Australia, letusan gunung berapi di Filipina, dan COVID-19 yang menyebar dengan cepat di seluruh dunia.

Alasan seperti topan dan berbagai penyakit anak, hal-hal ini menambah banyak hari sekolah yang terlewatkan setiap tahunnya. Ini merupakan keadaan yang tidak baik untuk anak-anak kita, karena hari-hari yang terlewat itu tentu dapat berdampak negatif pada prestasi akademik mereka.

Lalu apa berita bagusnya? Sekarang ada cara untuk tetap menyelenggarakan kegiatan Pendidikan/belajar-mengajar di luar sekolah, dengan tetap mempertimbangkan kesehatan dan keselamatan Anda.

NUADU merupakan platform pendidikan berbasis data yang menyediakan konten pembelajaran dan juga sistem penilaian. Dengan NUADU, smartphone dan komputer dapat menjadi alat untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh (Distance Learning) yang selaras dengan kurikulum nasional.

Simak video ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana NUADU memudahkan pembelajaran jarak jauh untuk Anda.

Pembelajaran jarak jauh