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The NUADU’s Comprehensive Exams Portfolio: Tailored Assessments for Every Stage and Purpose

We are offering a wide array of assessment solutions that are both accessible and top-tier. Our portfolio is designed to meet the diverse needs of educational institutions, HR departments, and language centers. Here, we delve into the specifics of each exam we offer:

For Adults and Professionals

  1. ALIGN®
    • Description: Our proprietary ALIGN® test is a comprehensive English Proficiency Test that measures language skills across listening, reading, writing, and speaking. It is suitable for placement, exit exams, and other professional needs.
    • Applications: Ideal for universities, HR departments, and professional certification programs.
  2. TOEIC (Mock Test)
    • Description: Our TOEIC mock test is designed to simulate the real TOEIC exam, focusing on evaluating English proficiency in a workplace context.
    • Applications: Perfect for corporate settings, job placement, and preparation for the actual TOEIC exam.
  3. IELTS (Mock Test)
    • Description: Our IELTS mock test aims to provide a genuine exam experience, assessing skills in listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
    • Applications: Suitable for academic and immigration purposes, as well as preparation for the real IELTS exam.
  4. TOEFL IBT (Mock Test)
    • Description: This mock test is tailored to mimic the TOEFL IBT exam, focusing on academic English skills necessary for university-level comprehension.
    • Applications: Primarily used for university admissions and preparation for the actual TOEFL IBT exam.

For Young Adults

  1. EPIT (Mock Test)
    • Description: Our EPIT test is designed to mirror the structure and grading system of TOEFL ITP. It’s often used by institutions for placement, progress, and exit testing purposes. The test focuses on listening comprehension, structure and written expression, and reading comprehension.
    • Applications: Ideal for high schools, preparatory programs, and language centers, as well as preparation for the actual TOEFL ITP exam.
  2. B1 Preliminary (Mock Test)
    • Description: Previously known as Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET), this test confirms that a learner can handle everyday English at an intermediate level.
    • Applications: Suitable for high schools and language centers, as well as preparation for the actual B1 Preliminary exam.

For Children and Young Learners

  1. YLET (Mock Test)
    • Description: Specifically crafted for younger students, our YLET mock tests focus on the essentials of the English language, providing a genuine exam experience.
    • Subcategories: A1 Starter, A1 and A2 Movers
    • Applications: Ideal for primary educational settings and preparation for the actual YLET exams.

Explore our website to discover how NUADU can support your institution’s assessment needs. For more information, feel free to contact us.

Articles Language Exams Main Page

The Advantages of NUADU’s Online Exams Over Traditional Paper-Based Exams

At NUADU, we are driven by the belief that education should be both accessible and effective for everyone. Our online exams solution embodies this philosophy by offering a multitude of advantages over traditional paper-based exams. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the unique benefits that NUADU’s online exams bring to the table for educators and learners alike.

1. Accessibility

  • Online vs. Paper-Based: Traditional paper-based exams often require physical attendance at designated exam centers, which can be a barrier for many learners.
  • NUADU’s Solution: Our platform makes education accessible to anyone, anywhere, at any time. This is especially beneficial for learners who may not have the resources or opportunities to attend traditional classrooms or exam centers.

2. Flexibility

  • Online vs. Paper-Based: Paper-based exams are usually scheduled at fixed times and locations, leaving little room for flexibility.
  • NUADU’s Solution: Our online exams offer unparalleled flexibility for both educators and learners. Educators can effortlessly create and administer exams, while learners can take exams at their own pace and convenience, allowing them to balance education with other responsibilities.

3. Efficiency

  • Online vs. Paper-Based: Traditional exams involve manual grading, which is time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • NUADU’s Solution: Our platform streamlines the exam process, saving both time and resources. Instant grading and feedback allow educators to focus on teaching and learners to concentrate on learning.

4. Accuracy

  • Online vs. Paper-Based: Paper-based exams may not always accurately assess a learner’s skills due to limitations in question types.
  • NUADU’s Solution: Our online exams offer a range of question types, including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions, ensuring a comprehensive assessment. This allows educators to pinpoint learners’ strengths and weaknesses and adapt their teaching strategies accordingly.

5. Security

  • Online vs. Paper-Based: Traditional exams can be susceptible to cheating and question leaks.
  • NUADU’s Solution: We prioritize the security of exam delivery, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of exams. This is crucial for high-stakes exams like standardized tests or professional certifications.


At NUADU, we’re committed to elevating the standards of education by making it more accessible, flexible, efficient, accurate, and secure. Our online exams solution is a testament to this commitment.

Interested in experiencing these benefits firsthand? Visit our website or get in touch with us today to learn more.

Articles Language Exams Main Page

The Benefits of Online Exams: Why NUADU is the Smart Choice for Your Institution

Online exams are rapidly becoming the new norm for educational institutions of all sizes. While traditional paper-based exams have been the norm for many years, the benefits of online exams are impossible to ignore. NUADU offers a comprehensive online exam solution that helps institutions conduct exams securely and efficiently.

Here are some of the benefits that come with using our platform:

  1. Flexibility and Convenience: With NUADU’s online exams, institutions can set exams and allow students to take them at their own convenience. Students can take exams from anywhere with an internet connection and at any time, making it easy for institutions to accommodate learners who might have different schedules or time zones.
  2. Improved Efficiency and Productivity: With online exams, institutions can save time and reduce administrative costs. With the ability to set, deliver, and grade exams all online, institutions can manage exams more efficiently and effectively. This, in turn, frees up faculty and staff to focus on other important tasks.
  3. Reduced Cheating and Enhanced Security: NUADU’s online exam platform is designed to minimize cheating and enhance security. The platform offers features like real-time or post-exam analysis, online proctoring, and AI-enabled anti-cheating measures that make it difficult for students to cheat.
  4. Access to Rich Data and Analytics: With NUADU’s online exam platform, institutions can access rich data and analytics that can help inform teaching and learning strategies. The platform provides real-time data and reports on student performance, which can be used to inform personalized teaching and learning strategies.
  5. Affordable and Scalable: Online exams are an affordable and scalable solution for institutions of all sizes. With NUADU’s platform, institutions can easily and cost-effectively scale their exams to accommodate growing numbers of students.

Ready-Made Test Papers by NUADU

NUADU offers a variety of ready-made test papers tailored to different age groups and proficiency levels. Some of our notable offerings include:

  • ALIGN®: A comprehensive English Proficiency Test suitable for various purposes, including placement, exit, or other professional needs.
  • TOEIC: Designed to evaluate English proficiency in a workplace context.
  • IELTS: A globally recognised test assessing all four language skills.
  • TOEFL IBT: Tailored for students aiming to understand English at the university level.
  • EPIT: Designed to mirror the structure and grading system of TOEFL ITP. The test focuses on listening comprehension, structure and written expression, and reading comprehension.
  • YLET: Specifically crafted for younger students, focusing on the essentials of the English language. Including: A1 Starter, A1 and A2 Movers, B1 Preliminary (Previously known as Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET). This test confirms that a learner can handle everyday English at an intermediate level.)

These mock exams are designed in collaboration with renowned publishers, ensuring alignment with official CEFR score mapping for a genuine exam experience for all age groups across all levels (A1-C2).

In Conclusion:

NUADU’s online exam platform offers a range of benefits that make it an excellent choice for educational institutions looking to streamline their assessment processes. With its flexibility, enhanced security features, and real-time data and analytics, coupled with a diverse range of ready-made test papers, NUADU’s platform is a smart choice for any institution looking to improve the way it conducts exams.

Explore Our Special Offer!

If you’re looking to enhance your institution’s exam process, consider what NUADU has to offer. For a limited period, we’re providing a 30% discount on our Exclusive Introductory Package. This package includes the first 500 test runs across all assessment types we provide.

Use code: ENGLISHCHECK200.

Interested in learning more? Visit our website and see how NUADU can support your institution’s assessment needs.

Language Exams Main Page News

NUADU Unveils State-of-the-Art Language Assessment Solution!

We’re proud to introduce NUADU English Check—a revolutionary online assessment service designed to elevate English language learning at schools, universities, and learning centers. 📚✨

Say hello to:

  • Accurate CEFR-Aligned Assessments
  • Instant Automated Proofing and Feedback
  • Comprehensive Reporting and Certifications

Special Launch Offer:

For a limited time, enjoy a 30% discount on our Exclusive Introductory Package. This includes the first 500 test runs across all assessment types. Redeem with code: ENGLISHCHECK200.

Experience the unparalleled capabilities of NUADU English Check. Reach out to us and let’s transform English education together.

Embrace the future of education with NUADU English Check. Dive in now!

Language Exams Main Page News Poland

NUADU English Check

NUADU English Check to najnowszy produkt w ofercie NUADU umożliwiający niezawodny i skuteczny sposób oceny stopnia znajomości języka angielskiego.

Nasza platforma oferuje kompleksowe rozwiązanie, które jest zgodne z wytycznymi Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego (CEFR), zapewniając dokładne i ustandaryzowane oceny. Pakiet gotowych testów umożliwia przygotowanie uczniów do szeregu standardów egzaminacyjnych

Kluczowe cechy:

• Zautomatyzowane ocenianie: Oszczędzaj czas i zasoby dzięki naszemu zautomatyzowanemu systemowi testowania. Koniec z ręcznym ocenianiem!

• Wszechstronna ocena umiejętności: Nasza platforma obejmuje testy umiejętności słuchania, czytania, pisania i mówienia, zapewniając holistyczną ocenę.

• Dostosowane do CEFR: Nasze testy są skrupulatnie zaprojektowane tak, aby były zgodne z wytycznymi CEFR, zapewniając spójność i niezawodność.

• Elastyczne ceny: skorzystaj z 500 testów w specjalnej obniżonej cenie, przeznaczonej dla instytucji różnej wielkości.

Dlaczego właśnie my?

1. Usprawniona ocena: Nasz zautomatyzowany system natychmiast ocenia testy, oferując szybki i praktyczny wgląd w biegłość językową uczniów.

2. Globalne standardy: dostosuj swoje oceny do uznanych na całym świecie wytycznych CEFR, zapewniając uczniom korzystanie z edukacji na najwyższym poziomie.

3. Przystępna cena: Uznając wyzwania, przed którymi stoją instytucje edukacyjne, nasz elastyczny cennik gwarantuje, że otrzymasz wartość bez nadwyrężania budżetu.

Jak to działa:

1. Oferta specjalna: użyj kodu ENGLISHCHECK200 , aby uzyskać dostęp do 500 dowolnych, oferowanych przez nas testów z 50% zniżką obniżającą cenę do jedynych 1999zł.

2. Zarządzaj przebiegiem testów bez wysiłku za pomocą zaledwie kilku kliknięć.

3. Uzyskaj natychmiastowe wyniki i szczegółowe raporty, dzięki którym zyskasz wiedzę opartą na danych.

Wzbogać swój program nauczania języka angielskiego dzięki naszej platformie testowej!

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