Indonesia Main Page News Offer

Lenovo laptops & NUADU bundle

We are excited to inform, that Lenovo laptops with instant access to NUADU are now available in Indonesia.

Bundled with Lenovo hardware, our learning and assessment platform provides a complete solution for blended and distance learning, online education, and exams. NUADU comes with a three-year license for the learning content for National and International curricula, question banks, and implementation service.

This special offer was prepared jointly by Lenovo and NUADU for the schools in Indonesia. Lenovo and NUADU believe that transforming education is critical for society’s development, and Lenovo has always been proud to provide smarter technologies that engineer smarter classrooms for students. As the education environment is continuously changing, our close collaboration with Lenovo will ensure educators to be able to keep up with the new ways of teachings as students switch to online platforms and distance learning. Through this collaboration, Lenovo and NUADU aspire to provide innovation that meets the demands of distance learning and aids institution with their education transformation journey.

For the schools using National Curriculum, NUADU provides content from renowned educational publishers, available for Primary level 1 – 6 and Secondary level 7 – 12. Over 28,000 resources are available for Matematika, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, PPKn, IPA, IPS, SBDP, Biologi, Fisika, Kimia, Sejarah, Geografi, Ekonomi and Sosiologi.

For the schools using international curricula, NUADU provides internationally renowned Cambridge and Singapore curriculum for the subjects of Cambridge Primary Curriculum level 1 – 6 for Maths and Science with over 13,000 resources available, and Singapore Primary and Lower Secondary for English, Maths, and Science with over 18,000 resources available.

For business enquiries please contact Stella Djajasaputra –

Indonesia News Offer

Dengan gembira kami informasikan bahwa laptop Lenovo dengan akses NUADU sekarang tersedia di Indonesia

Menggunakan laptop Lenovo, platform pembelajaran dan penilaian kami menyediakan solusi menyeluruh untuk ‘blended learning’ (gabungan metode tatap muka dan online), pembelajaran jarak jauh, pendidikan online, ataupun ujian.

NUADU dilengkapi dengan lisensi tiga tahun untuk konten pembelajaran yang mencakup kurikulum Nasional dan Internasional, bank soal, dan layanan implementasi.

Penawaran khusus ini hadir atas hasil kolaborasi Lenovo dan NUADU untuk sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia. Lenovo dan NUADU percaya bahwa transformasi pendidikan sangat penting untuk pengembangan masyarakat dan Lenovo bangga dapat selalu menyediakan teknologi yang lebih canggih agar dapat memfasilitasi ruang kelas yang lebih cerdas untuk siswa. Seiring lingkungan pendidikan yang terus berubah, kolaborasi erat kami dengan Lenovo ini akan memastikan para pendidik dapat mengikuti cara-cara pengajaran baru ketika siswa beralih ke platform online dan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Melalui kolaborasi ini, Lenovo dan NUADU bercita-cita untuk memberikan inovasi yang memenuhi tuntutan pembelajaran jarak jauh dan membantu institusi dalam menjalankan transformasi pendidikan mereka.

Untuk sekolah yang menggunakan Kurikulum Nasional, NUADU menyediakan konten dari penerbit pendidikan terkenal, tersedia untuk tingkat Dasar 1 – 6 dan tingkat Menengah 7 – 12. Lebih dari 28.000 sumber pembelajaran tersedia untuk Matematika, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, PPKn, IPA, IPS, SBDP , Biologi, Fisika, Kimia, Sejarah, Geografi, Ekonomi dan Sosiologi.

Untuk sekolah yang menggunakan kurikulum internasional, NUADU menyediakan kurikulum Cambridge dan Singapura yang terkenal secara internasional untuk mata pelajaran Cambridge Kurikulum Tingkat 1 – 6 untuk Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan dengan lebih dari 13.000 sumber pembelajaran yang tersedia, dan Sekolah Dasar dan Menengah Singapura untuk Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, dan Sains dengan tersedia lebih dari 18.000 sumber pembelajaran.

Untuk informasi terkait kerjasama dapat menghubungi Stella Djajasaputra –

lenovo laptop
News Philippines

What You Need to Know About the DepEd Learning Continuity Plan

To get the education of the country’s students back on track, the Department of Education (DepEd) presented its Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) to the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) last May 11, 2020. The IATF approved the BE-LCP, as well as the proposal to “open” schools on August 24, 2020.

A learning continuity plan seeks to ensure that students’ learning progresses even amidst disasters such as natural calamities, storms, fires, and pandemics. This plan overcomes obstacles created by the disasters through innovative means of teaching and learning, keeping students on track with their courses. With today’s COVID-19 pandemic, the main obstacle that has to be overcome is the need for social distancing, making face-to-face interaction impossible. Therefore, any learning continuity plan to be implemented today has to account for this limitation.

Focus on the Essentials

Learning continuity should be based less on method and more on objectives — what do we want our students to learn and accomplish? From there, we can determine the methods we will employ for the four aspects of our continuity plan:

  • Communications – Ways of providing direct teaching, asking and answering questions, discussing the lesson, and communicating instructions about activities and other matters about the course
  • Materials – Includes the content lessons are based on, references, and materials needed for learning activities
  • Learning activities and assignments – Activities that would facilitate learning that could include role-playing, case studies, group discussions and presentations, and problem-solving
  • Assessments – Means of measuring the progress of the students’ learning
Four aspects of the Learning Continuity Plan are: Communication, Materials, Learning Activities, and Assessment

Given our current situation, all four aspects of learning continuity should be geared towards distance learning to keep our students safe by maintaining social distance.

Innovative Use of Technology

If we are to craft our learning continuity plan towards distance learning, we will need to innovate our methods and use current technologies. Some teachers have already used email as a means for submitting papers so that students can submit without needing to physically go to the teacher’s office. But with quarantine measures in place, we have to go further than that.

Collaborative platforms like MS Teams provide a venue for virtual classes. Here, you can give direct instruction, facilitate discussions, and conduct activities complete with presentation slides.

On top of that, you can also employ educational apps like NUADU where you can assess your students’ progress and get recommended activities based on that assessment. What’s more, the platform also gives you access to interactive content that you can use in teaching your course.

Continuing Beyond the Calamity

Your learning continuity plan need not be a stop-gap solution for a crisis. The innovations you introduce could be implemented into your regular course instruction even after the calamity. Doing so opens new ways of learning and pursuing the course for you and your students. What’s more, the continuity plan ensures that learning continues even if major disasters occur.

Education Continuity Plan Webinar

How can you implement the learning continuity plan with the use of technology? Find out more by attending the free Education Continuity Plan Webinar Series by NUADU, Microsoft Philippines, and Big Pond run from 25 May – 29 May. Learn from Edutech practitioners and innovators about how your school can continue the learning experience beyond the four walls of the classroom.

Did you miss this webinar series? You can watch the recorded sessions for free on the Big Pond Facebook page.

Interested in using technology for you as part of your school’s education continuity plan? Contact us to schedule a demo today!

Articles Main Page News

5 Tips for Parents for Effective Home-Based Learning

With so many schools closing because of the coronavirus, your children may now be staying at home with you and you have to make sure their education continues. Here are five tips to help your children continue their education at home.

1. Don’t Overthink It

No one is expecting you to recreate your child’s classroom experience. So, make your own. Use the resources that your child’s school is offering — online classes, physical books, and other materials. On top of that, use what materials you have at home.

2. Set up a Learning Space

Your child will need a place where she could focus on her lessons or activities. This could be the child’s room or a part of the living room. And if the school offers online lessons, the computer should be accessible to her and you as the facilitating adult. Her other school material within reach, as well, or stored in an easily-movable case so the child can take them wherever she feels comfortable studying.

3. Have a Realistic Schedule

While you’re not expected to recreate your child’s classroom in your home, it would do her good to maintain the schedule structure that she is used to when she was going to school. It would give her a sense of routine, of her doing school except that it’s at home. But if you observe that your child learns better at a different time of the day, adjust the schedule accordingly. The goal, after all, is for your child to continue learning, not to maintain school schedules.

4. Be a Facilitator

You don’t have to be your child’s teacher. If your child’s school has shifted to a home-based learning system with online classes, you will act more like a facilitator or teacher’s aide. Just follow the program but be ready to answer any questions that your child may ask.

If you were homeschooling your child even before the coronavirus pandemic, you are the still primary teacher. But now, you have to find ways to fill the gaps left by tours, music lessons, sports clubs, and other out-of-the-house learning activities that are now cancelled. For this, the internet is your friend. Look for virtual tours, documentaries, demo videos, and other learning media that you can use.

5. You Don’t Need to Study the Whole Day

Limit dedicated schooling time. Allow for some free time for your children to stretch their minds and bodies in more leisurely activities, or just relax. Let them play with their toys or draw what they want to draw, or do whatever they find enjoyable. If they miss their friends, set up an online meeting for them. You can also do the same for yourself and your friends.

Just because school premises are closed doesn’t mean learning has to stop. Make the most of what you have and what the schools offer to keep your children learning.

Articles Offer Poland

Nauka w domu nie musi być nudna!

W NUADU udostępniliśmy tysiące interaktywnych zadań i materiały do samodzielnej nauki dla uczniów klas IV – VIII. Na komputerze, w telefonie i tablecie.

Dla każdego przedmiotu przygotowaliśmy materiały edukacyjne i zadania do rozwiązywania, które same się sprawdzają. Wszystkie materiały zgodne są z podstawą programową Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej.

Dotychczas materiały, zadania oraz funkcjonalności takie jak natychmiastowe wyniki, czy obserwowanie postępów w nauce dostępne były wyłącznie dla szkół współpracujących z NUADU. Po raz pierwszy udostępniliśmy je do indywidualnego wykorzystania! Będą pomocą dla dzieci, które kontynuują naukę w domu. Z NUADU mogą uczyć się samodzielnie, bez pomocy nauczyciela. Z materiałów skorzystają również korepetytorzy, centra korepetycyjne lub inne mniejsze jednostki edukacyjne.

W każdej klasie:

  • Tysiące interaktywnych zadań
  • Automatycznie sprawdzane wyniki
  • Bogata baza wiedzy
  • Dostęp na smartfonie i w komputerze
  • Materiały zgodne z podstawą programową MEN

Szczegóły programowe dla każdej klasy znajdują się na stronie!

Aby zakupić materiały należy zarejestrować konto w NUADU i wybrać swoją klasę w zakładce „Sklep”.

Do końca sierpnia trwa promocja. Dostęp do materiałów wybranej klasy na okres 12 miesięcy kosztuje teraz połowę regularnej ceny czyli 59 zł.

Oferujemy 100% rabat dla dzieci pracowników służb medycznych!


Students’ Engagement and Motivation

Psychologist broadly define learning as a process based on experience, that can lead to persistent change in behaviour and cognitive development. Why do we ever stop studying?

Why do we ever stop studying?

Or should I say why do we not? What is there so deeply influencing, that drives us to spend countless nights, or worse — weekends, on acquiring new knowledge or skill set. And why do we lose it over time? Actually, do we?

Give yourself a moment to think about it — you will probably find at least a few reasons strong enough to ignite your motivation. The question is — what do we do to preserve it?

To answer this question, we should start with understanding the actual concept of learning. Psychologist broadly define learning as a process based on experience, that can lead to persistent change in behaviour and cognitive development. To further clarification, a behavioural change based on past actions can be seen in our reluctance or willingness in doing something, e.g. a student keen on picking up Spanish classes in high school due to great Spanish teacher from their secondary school. Cognitive development is a little harder to observe, however, we increasingly notice how teachers’ actions affect students’ learning process and preparation toward national examination. How can we determine in specifics a factual causal connection between our children’s homework and the employability competencies required in today’s society? Therefore, how can we expressly identify what the drive for our kids to stay engaged in their homework is?

One of the tactics we all apply, even unconsciously, is reinforcement and punishment strategy, which ideally should teach our kids hard-work and systematicity. Reinforcement is shortly described as adding a positive or removing a negative stimulus, whereas punishment is the exact opposite. E.g for having done the homework we reinforce our student positively by giving them a good mark, for not having done the homework though, we punish them with a bad mark (positive punishment) or we remove the good mark (negative reinforcement). This method, however well-known and proved, does not take cognisance of personal condition that can affect students preparedness, and therefore using psychological conditioning, might be fruitless and demotivating.

One of the logical solutions to this problem is paying more attention to personalized education. It is agreed by social researches globally that such approach has a great value and impact on individual progress. However, in reality of overcrowded classes or rapid pace path — it still might be too challenging to execute.

Schools and educators, aware of the situation, are constantly looking for new innovative improvements, deciding to e.g. adjust schooling individually, implementing AI technology or providing students with a specially tailored learning support devices.

Unfortunately, having it all is not always enough to motivate our student to do their best, and it is because students , same as all of us, lifelong learners, we all need personal touch, support on the toughest raises, clarification — why it does not all go the way I planned.

This is why we have created NUADU and why we cooperate with schools and publishers all over the world, gathering their opinions about our product in classroom reality. NUADU’s main functionality focuses on giving the teacher all possible tools and (what is most important) time to manage their students learning flow individually, keep them engaged in the process by instant feedback on their actions and ability to use positive reinforcement even if students are not in the classroom. Knowing their students, teachers can provide them with different types of exercises and learning games, supporting different types of learners, e.g. visual, auditory. But according to our subscribed teachers, the most valuable is the fact that they are able to assist their students far more than just during weekly classes, precisely planning their progress based on the data NUADU provides them with. From the details as math exam on equation in one’s primary, to really powerful data as general learning gaps at students goals and objectives roadmap.

We are at the beginning of our journey with Asian schooling known as one of the most demanding but effective in the World, on the other hand, much too stressful and heavy. We are hoping to learn as much as possible from our partners here, to see what else we can do to make the educational development accessible for everyone, everywhere. At NUADU, we all believe that everyone can achieve success, can become a long-life learner, can realise their trigger and be able to keep it on fire — all you need is… to want.

Adrianna Trembińska is a multicultural, business psychologist who specialises in Chinese culture & market. Having professional experience in both education and information technology, Adrianna joined NUADU as International Business Developer.