Most schools are now shifting to home-based learning because of the quarantine measures implemented by the government. Is your family ready for this?
Here are the things you need to prepare to facilitate your child’s online learning and stay on track with the national curriculum.
5 Essentials for Successful Home-Based Learning
1. How much involvement is required of the parents/caregivers?
The level of involvement can vary greatly. Boxed curricula are usually designed for independent study, with the students having access to answer keys so they can grade their own work. Some online learning portals have automated grading and feedback of quizzes and activities.
Children in the middle grades or older can usually be left to study on their own for longer periods. Just be ready to set out the materials, guide them with their activities, and answer any questions they may have. Note that preschool and early elementary students require more supervision and hands-on involvement.
2. Does your child have a dedicated study area?
Does your child have a personal study area, with a desk or table he or she can work on? Ideally, each child should have his or her personal study desk in a well-lighted area.
However, space could be limited in some households, so siblings have to share study areas. If this is the case, you should set a schedule that gives each child a certain time of day to use the study area.
Also, does your child need to study in a multi-use area? Space can be so limited that children have to use a common family area like the dining table or the living room for lessons. If so, schedule who should use the area at certain times, including the rest of the family for those family times like dinner.
3. Do you have school supplies at home?
Make a list of the supplies your children will need, based on the school’s program for this term. Must-haves include books, writing implements, art materials, and paper. If budget is an issue, siblings can share or reuse materials.
If you live in a small space, school bags are the easiest way to store supplies. Bags are portable, so students can carry everything they need wherever they do their school work. This is especially useful if the study area is shared or multi-use.
Do you have plenty of space at home? Consider investing in shelves. Not only do they provide more storage area, shelves are also nicer to look at.
4. What equipment or technology will they need?
Home-based learning programs usually have an online component, so each child should also have a dedicated computer, laptop, or other device for online lessons. But if they are using, say, a shared computer, create a user profile for each child so that they each can save their work safely without affecting the others’ works.
Which online connection is best for them: DSL, broadband, or mobile data? You also have to factor that you might need the internet bandwidth for your own work if you are working from home. For the best internet providers, ask your neighbors for recommendations.
5. How proficient is your family with technology?
Remember that you will have to learn how to use the apps and the devices that the school requires before the learning sessions begin. If you need help in this area, look up online tutorials or contact the school for help on how to use the apps and devices.
After learning how to use the tech, you will need to teach your children how to use them, if they don’t already know. After teaching them how to use them, give them opportunities to practice so they will be able to concentrate more on the lessons than on operating the app and device correctly.
Education Continuity Plan Webinar
How can you implement the learning continuity plan with the use of technology? Find out more by attending the free Education Continuity Plan Webinar Series by NUADU, Microsoft Philippines, and Big Pond.
This 5-day online series will run from 25 May– 29 May on the Microsoft Teams platform. Learn from Edutech practitioners and innovators about how your school can continue the learning experience beyond the four walls of the classroom.
To get the education of the country’s students back on track, the Department of Education (DepEd) presented its Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) to the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) last May 11, 2020. The IATF approved the BE-LCP, as well as the proposal to “open” schools on August 24, 2020.
A learning continuity plan seeks to ensure that students’ learning progresses even amidst disasters such as natural calamities, storms, fires, and pandemics. This plan overcomes obstacles created by the disasters through innovative means of teaching and learning, keeping students on track with their courses. With today’s COVID-19 pandemic, the main obstacle that has to be overcome is the need for social distancing, making face-to-face interaction impossible. Therefore, any learning continuity plan to be implemented today has to account for this limitation.
Focus on the Essentials
Learning continuity should be based less on method and more on objectives — what do we want our students to learn and accomplish? From there, we can determine the methods we will employ for the four aspects of our continuity plan:
Communications – Ways of providing direct teaching, asking and answering questions, discussing the lesson, and communicating instructions about activities and other matters about the course
Materials – Includes the content lessons are based on, references, and materials needed for learning activities
Learning activities and assignments – Activities that would facilitate learning that could include role-playing, case studies, group discussions and presentations, and problem-solving
Assessments – Means of measuring the progress of the students’ learning
Four aspects of the Learning Continuity Plan are: Communication, Materials, Learning Activities, and Assessment
Given our current situation, all four aspects of learning continuity should be geared towards distance learning to keep our students safe by maintaining social distance.
Innovative Use of Technology
If we are to craft our learning continuity plan towards distance learning, we will need to innovate our methods and use current technologies. Some teachers have already used email as a means for submitting papers so that students can submit without needing to physically go to the teacher’s office. But with quarantine measures in place, we have to go further than that.
Collaborative platforms like MS Teams provide a venue for virtual classes. Here, you can give direct instruction, facilitate discussions, and conduct activities complete with presentation slides.
On top of that, you can also employ educational apps like NUADU where you can assess your students’ progress and get recommended activities based on that assessment. What’s more, the platform also gives you access to interactive content that you can use in teaching your course.
Continuing Beyond the Calamity
Your learning continuity plan need not be a stop-gap solution for a crisis. The innovations you introduce could be implemented into your regular course instruction even after the calamity. Doing so opens new ways of learning and pursuing the course for you and your students. What’s more, the continuity plan ensures that learning continues even if major disasters occur.
Education Continuity Plan Webinar
How can you implement the learning continuity plan with the use of technology? Find out more by attending the free Education Continuity Plan Webinar Series by NUADU, Microsoft Philippines, and Big Pond run from 25 May – 29 May. Learn from Edutech practitioners and innovators about how your school can continue the learning experience beyond the four walls of the classroom.
Did you miss this webinar series? You can watch the recorded sessions for free on the Big Pond Facebook page.
Interested in using technology for you as part of your school’s education continuity plan? Contact us to schedule a demo today!
“This tool will be a life-changing tool especially for teachers, also for students and parents. It’s a very flexible, very useful tool which I think we are very fortunate that it has reached the Philippines. And we hope that it can really change the landscape especially for teachers.”
Virginia Gapuz, Owner and President of Great Books Trading Center for Human Research and Development Foundation Inc.
“What we want the students to be is to become independent learners. This online platform will help us achieve that goal. With NUADU’s online platform, the students can access the material or the lesson anytime they want and can view the contents as many times as they want (on the platform that we’re using). With NUADU, every student has the opportunity to excel.”
Charlie Fababaer, Principal / Senior Education Program Specialist Pasig City Science High School
“There are a lot of paperwork that teachers need to accomplish. NUADU makes the teacher’s tasks easier especially when it comes to marking and recording their students’ scores. With NUADU, we can achieve quality education.”
Princes Cambil, Mathematics Teacher Ramon Magsaysay High School Cubao, Quezon City
“The students lack interest in their studies due to the technological advances that they are using like social media. For us teachers, we’d like to integrate technology in our class, however, not all of the teachers have the resources for it. The proposed online plan makes it easier for us teachers as it (assessments) will be paperless and will be easier to record and keep track.”
Brenda Par, Mathematics Teacher Ramon Magsaysay High School Cubao, Quezon City
“A great help for flipped and blended learning.”
“The classroom is perfect for online learning.”
“The NUADU platform is very user-friendly. And it has all the necessary features that we need for the students.”
“NUADU is a very useful tool for the virtual classroom especially now that we are in the COVID-19 crisis that we need to study online at home.”
“I like NUADU because it is a useful tool for teachers like me in giving differentiated assessments to students, thus addressing their strong and weak points better.”
“NUADU will truly help teachers not only for online teaching but also in class activities and assessments for our students.”
“A total package for teachers and learners.”
“So glad that it has an anti-cheat feature. Very helpful :)”
“NUADU is a good app since it has special features like anti-cheating, and it can evaluate the activities answered by the students.”
“The NUADU Classroom is very user-friendly. It has all the features that we need for the students.”
“Very versatile and flexible in terms of features and assessments”
Teachers, participants of PCSHS training seminar
“NUADU is a big help on the trainings that we conduct and that we are able to reach out to learners from remote areas. What I like about NUADU is that we can see the progress of our Pharmacists and Pharmacy Assistants and help them improve their knowledge and skills.”
Oskar Jr. Ferreras Ocampo, RPh President Philippine Pharmacists Association, Quezon City East Metro Chapter
“Since 2014, we have already been looking for ideal partner to launch our NMAT online review system. From the beginning, I was already impressed by how advance NAUDU technology was. They got me at AI and data-driven technology. I wouldn’t have even imagined that we at SIKAT could aspire something even close to that.”
Analiza zachowania użytkowników platformy edukacyjnej NUADU w ostatnim czasie, pozwala zaobserwować interesujące dla edukacji zdalnej wnioski i pokazać proces adaptacji szkolnictwa do nowej rzeczywistości.
W ciągu ostatnich tygodni zamknięcia szkół z powodu pandemii Covid-19, w obszarze edukacji zaszły ogromne zmiany. Przekształcenie klasycznego modelu nauczania, w którym występuje codzienna interakcja pomiędzy uczniem a nauczycielem, na model pracy zdalnej w tak krótkim czasie okazało się dużym wyzwaniem zarówno dla nauczycieli, jak i uczniów, rodziców czy dyrektorów szkół. Analiza zachowania użytkowników platformy edukacyjnej NUADU w ostatnim czasie, pozwala zaobserwować interesujące dla edukacji zdalnej wnioski i pokazać proces adaptacji szkolnictwa do nowej rzeczywistości. Próba statystyczna została wykonana dla 50 tys. uczniów oraz 4 tys. nauczycieli.
1. Inicjatywa wypływa od nauczycieli
Aby zapewnić ciągłość nauczania, nauczyciele musieli w bardzo krótkim czasie zaadoptować technologię – wprawdzie dostępną na rynku od dawna, ale dotychczas wykorzystywaną w szkolnictwie w relatywnie niewielkim zakresie.
Istotnym elementem procesu była adaptacja takich narzędzi jak:
Dzienniki elektroniczne – wykorzystywane w szkołach już od około dekady
Platformy e-learningowe i narzędzia do ewaluacji wiedzy – w ostatnich latach coraz chętniej wykorzystywane w codziennej pracy jako narzędzia usprawniające pracę nauczyciela, w tym platforma NUADU
Narzędzia do komunikacji zdalnej – dostępne na rynku od wielu lat, zazwyczaj nie sprawdzające się w klasycznym modelu szkoły, przeżywające obecnie swój renesans – np. platformy do video-konferencji, video-czaty czy następca popularnego Skype – aplikacja Microsoft Teams
Przykładem wzrostu zainteresowania narzędziami do zdalnej edukacji są statystyki użycia aplikacji NUADU na przestrzeni lutego 2020 – kiedy zajęcia obywały się jeszcze normalnie w szkołach, marca 2020 – po zamknięciu szkół i kwietnia 2020 – kiedy nauczanie zdalne stało się normą.
1.1 Logowania
W okresie zamknięcia szkół znacząco wzrosła liczba logowań do aplikacji zarówno nauczycieli, jak i uczniów. W marcu, dla kont nauczycieli, wzrost wyniósł 254%, a w przypadku kont uczniowskich – 213%.
Wykres: Liczba unikalnych logowań do aplikacji NUADU
Warto zauważyć, że średni czas trwania sesji w systemie wynosi blisko 75 minut w przypadku ucznia i ponad 60 minut dla nauczyciela. Stanowi to potwierdzenie, że użytkownicy znajdują w systemie funkcjonalności, które je angażują.
1.2 Zadawanie zadań
W okresie zamknięcia szkół znacznie wzrosła liczba zadawanych przez nauczycieli aktywności. Mianem “aktywności” określamy zadane przez nauczyciela zestawy indywidualnych prac w postaci zestawów zadań, kartkówek, próbnych egzaminów.
Wykres: Liczba zadanych przez nauczycieli aktywności w aplikacji NUADU
Na podstawie powyższych danych można zauważyć znaczący wzrost zadawanych aktywności, porównując miesiąc luty oraz marzec zauważamy wzrost na poziomie 486%. Miesiąc kwiecień utrzymuje przewidywany trend.
1.3 Odrabianie zadań
Współczynnik odrabiania zadań, czyli stosunek liczby rozwiązanych do liczby zadanych zadań kształtuje się odpowiednio dla lutego 68,5%, dla marca 73% i dla kwietnia 74%. Pokazuje to, że uczniowie chętnie rozwiązują przydzielone zadania w aplikacji, zarówno w modelu klasycznej szkoły (miesiąc luty) jak i modelu pracy zdalnej (miesiąc marzec i kwiecień).
Wykres: Liczba zadanych i odrobionych zadań w aplikacji NUADU
Na podstawie powyższych danych można zauważyć, że nauczyciel swoimi działaniami w systemie definiuje sposób pracy uczniów co bezpośrednio przekłada się na wzrost ich użycia i zainteresowania aplikacją NUADU. Tak jak w klasycznym modelu szkoły, nauczyciel jest głównym motorem pracy ucznia.
2. Najpopularniejsze funkcjonalności
System NUADU, zaprojektowany z myślą o usprawnieniu procesu nabywania i ewaluacji wiedzy, oferuje nauczycielom szereg funkcjonalności, takich jak zadawanie i tworzenie własnych zadań, automatyczne sprawdzanie rozwiązań, narzędzia umożliwiające indywidualizację procesu nauczania w oparciu o gromadzone dane, czy rozbudowaną bazę materiałów interaktywnych oraz scenariuszy lekcji.
Wykres: Liczba zadanych i zrealizowanych aktywności w aplikacji NUADU
W początkowym okresie zamknięcia szkół nauczyciele korzystali głównie z zadawania uczniom gotowych zestawów zadań, automatycznie sprawdzanych przez system. Wraz z wydłużaniem się nauczania zdalnego zaczęli chętniej korzystać z innych aktywności, takich jak kartkówki czy egzaminy próbne. Największym jednak wzrostem zainteresowania cieszą się do tej pory niewykorzystywane gotowe scenariusze lekcji.
3. Gotowość nauczycieli w zakresie wykorzystania narzędzi do nauki zdalnej
Nauczyciele, a w szczególności ci z dużym doświadczeniem pedagogicznym nabytym w klasycznym modelu nauczania, wykazują potrzebę nabywania wiedzy i umiejętności związanych z obsługą narzędzi do edukacji zdalnej, w tym korzystania z komputera czy tabletu.
Zwiększone zainteresowanie prowadzonymi przez NUADU szkoleniami, organizowanymi webinarami, udostępnianymi samouczkami czy wzmożone korzystanie ze wsparcia czatu dostępnego 24/7 świadczy o lawinowym wzroście zaangażowania nauczycieli.
Wykres: Liczba zgłoszeń dokonanych przez czat
W marcu liczba zapytań dotyczących praktycznych aspektów wykorzystania systemu NUADU zgłoszonych za pośrednictwem linii wsparcia wzrosła czterokrotnie w stosunku do lutego.
4. Gotowość szkół
Szkoły, które wdrożyły NUADU kilka miesięcy czy lat temu, wykazują znacznie większe zainteresowanie i użycie systemu w okresie zamknięcia szkół w porównaniu ze szkołami, które dopiero zaczynają technologię wdrażać. Przykładem jest Miasto Gdynia i Warszawa (dzielnica Targówek), gdzie zaobserwowane użycie, zarówno przez nasz zespół, a także przez włodarzy, którzy mają dostęp do statystyk w czasie rzeczywistym było znacznie wyższe. W marcu liczba zadanych w tych szkołach zadań była o 40% większa niż w pozostałych szkołach.
Obecnie z rozwiązania NUADU korzysta w Polsce około 150 szkół. Dla przeważającej większości z nich, narzędzie stało się z dnia na dzień domyślnym rozwiązaniem umożliwiającym kontynuację procesu kształcenia.
Warto również zauważyć, że wszystkie nowe wdrożenia systemu NUADU w szkołach w miesiącu marcu i kwietniu odbyły się w pełni zdalnie, w tym prezentacja rozwiązania, podpisanie dokumentów, konfiguracja i szkolenia. Świadczy to o większej otwartości jednostek edukacyjnych na zdalny proces współpracy.
5. Zaangażowanie rodziców w proces nauczania
Rodzice pełnią obecnie jedną z głównych ról w procesie edukacyjnym uczniów. Warto zauważyć, że wzrasta wśród nich świadomość znaczenia wykształcenia dziecka dla jego późniejszego życia, co powoduje, że rodzice stają się partnerami władz państwowych i szkoły w sprawach edukacji.
W aplikacji NUADU rodzic pełni rolę „nadzorcy” nad procesem edukacyjnym dziecka. Ma możliwość:
podglądu statusu aktywności zleconych dziecku,
przeglądu terminu ukończenia aktywności,
przeglądu raportu wyników aktywności wraz z widokiem wszystkich prób odpowiedzi udzielonych przez dziecko.
Wykres: Liczba unikalnych logowań Rodziców do aplikacji NUADU
W okresie zamknięcia szkół zauważyliśmy znaczący wzrost zainteresowania platformą wśród rodziców. Wynika to z faktu, iż rodzice zaczęli organizować czas nauki swojego dziecka, nierzadko udostępniając swój komputer. W porównaniu do lutego 2020, zanotowaliśmy wzrost logowań rodziców o 349,3% w marcu.
6. Dobry czas na samodzielną naukę
W okresie zamknięcia szkół uczniowie, oprócz odrabiania zadanych przez nauczycieli w systemie aktywności, zaczęli w większym stopniu korzystać z funkcjonalności Praca własna, która pozwala samodzielnie nadrobić braki z danego obszaru. Wzrost zainteresowania wyniósł w marcu 400%.
Wykres: Praca własna – liczba zadanych aktywności w aplikacji NUADU
W tym okresie też, NUADU podjęło decyzję o udostępnieniu uczniom klas IV – VIII materiałów edukacyjnych w postaci zadań i materiałów interaktywnych do pracy indywidualnej. Oznacza to, że każdy uczeń może nabywać wiedzę i rozwijać swoje umiejętności samodzielnie, bez udziału nauczyciela. To kolejna metoda pracy zdalnej bardzo chętnie wykorzystywana przez uczniów, o czym mówi poniższe zestawienie obrazujące liczbę wygenerowanych zestawów „Pracy własnej”.
7. Podsumowanie
Początki edukacji zdalnej jak pokazują powyższe wnioski nie są tak trudne, jak by się mogło wydawać. Droga do wymarzonej edukacji bywa wyboista, natomiast transformacja się zaczęła i trwa.
Wraz z otwarciem się szkół na technologię niezbędną do prowadzenia zajęć zdalnie realna staje się wizja wsparcia nauczycieli w obszarach możliwych do obsłużenia przez technologię, tak aby mogli skupić się na tym co najważniejsze – nauczaniu i wsparciu uczniów.
Aktualnie platforma NUADU wyręcza nauczyciela w sprawdzaniu zadanych uczniom zadań, pokazuje indywidualne wyniki każdego ucznia, podpowiada treści pomagające uzupełnić wiedzę uczniów, pozwala oszczędzić czas nauczyciela na rutynowych czynnościach i wskazuje obszary, w których uczniowie wymagają pomocy.
Czerpanie z dobrodziejstw technologii pozwoli na zmianę roli nauczyciela w procesie edukacyjnym z klasycznej, w której jest osobą przekazującą zagadnienia do opanowania (Content provider) na osobę będącą wsparciem, pomagającą uczniom osiągnąć wyznaczone cele (Facilitator).
Zmiana ta, opisywana od lat w światowej literaturze pedagogicznej, jest wysoce pożądana, ponieważ prowadzi do długo wyczekiwanej ewolucji podejścia dotyczącego kształcenia uczniów o stale zmieniających się potrzebach. Cyfrowy świat, a co za tym idzie zdalna edukacja, umożliwiają tę transformację w najprostszy i najmniej inwazyjny sposób.
Michał Korpys Chief Product Officer NUADU
Alicja Wanat Marketing Manager at NUADU
Dla nauczycieli zainteresowanych wdrożeniem NUADU w szkole:
An analysis of user behavior on the NUADU platform in the past quarter has yielded interesting observations and conclusions for remote education and the process of adapting to the new reality.
In the last weeks of school closures due to the Covid-19 pandemic, tremendous changes have occurred in the area of education. Transforming the classic teaching model, in which there is daily interaction between student and teacher, into a model of remote work in such a short time turned out to be a big challenge for everyone: teachers, students, parents, and school administrators.
Since then, we’ve seen an unprecedented increase in the use of the NUADU educational platform, offering us a unique opportunity to analyze the behavior of our users. Our platform has allowed us to gather a wealth of data on remote education and the process of adapting to the safety measures of a new reality. The statistical sample was made for 50,000 students and 4,000 teachers.
1. The initiative comes from teachers
To ensure continuity of teaching, teachers had to include the existing technology in the teaching process in a very short time. While most of the online solutions have been available on the market for several years, the adoption rate has been relatively low before the pandemic.
An essential element of the process was the adaptation of tools such as:
Digital grade book – Class or learning management systems have been used in schools for about a decade.
E-learning platforms and knowledge evaluation tools – In recent years, they have been increasingly used in everyday work as tools to improve a teacher’s job.
Remote communication tools – These have been available on the market for many years, but they usually do not work well in the classic school model. Given the need for social distancing, these tools are currently experiencing a surge in popularity – e.g., video-conference platforms and video-chats. Among them is the successor of Skype, the Microsoft Teams application.
Indicators of increased interest in remote education tools are statistics on the use of the NUADU application in the past three months. This covers the period when classes were still taking place in schools (February 2020), the widespread school closures due to the pandemic (March 2020), and the point when distance learning became the norm (April 2020).
1.1 Login
During the school closure period, the number of logins to the application by both teachers and students increased significantly. In March, there was a 254% increase in teacher account logins and a 213% increase for student accounts.
Chart: Number of unique logins in NUADU app
It is worth noting that the average duration of a session on the NUADU platform is close to 75 minutes for a student and over 60 minutes for a teacher. This confirms that our users find functionalities in the system that engage them and address their needs.
1.2 Assigning activities
During the school closing period, the number of activities assigned by teachers increased significantly. The term “activities” includes assignments, quizzes, and exams in the system.
Chart: Number of assigned activities by Teacher in NUADU app
Based on the above data, we noticed a significant growth in assigned activities. We observed an increase of 486% from February to March 2020, a level that was sustained in the month of April.
1.3 Solving assignments
We also looked at the solving assignments ratio: the ratio of the number of solved activities to the number of assigned activities. This ratio was 68.5% for February, 73% for March, and 74% for April. These numbers show that students are happy to solve assigned tasks in the application, both in the classic school model (February) and the remote work model (March and April).
Chart: Number of assigned and solved activities in NUADU app
Based on the above data, it can be seen that the teacher defines how students work in the system, which directly translates into an increase in their use and interest in the NUADU application. As in the classic school model, the teacher is the main driver of the student’s work.
2. The most popular functionalities
The NUADU system, designed to improve the process of acquiring and evaluating knowledge, offers teachers several features, such as assigning and creating their tasks and automatic checking of answers. Other features include enabling individualization of the teaching process based on the collected data as well as an extensive database of interactive materials and lesson scenarios.
Chart: Distribution of activities assigned to students in NUADU app
In the initial school closing period, teachers mainly used ready-made assignments, which were automatically checked by the system. With the extension of distance learning, they began to use other activities, such as quizzes and exams. However, e-lessons rarely used before this school closure got the highest interest.
3. The willingness of teachers to use remote learning tools
Teachers, especially those with extensive pedagogical experience acquired in the classic teaching model, demonstrate the need to acquire knowledge and skills related to the use of remote education tools, including the use of a computer or tablet.
This resulted in a boost in interest in the training resources conducted by NUADU, including the webinars and shared tutorials. We’ve also seen an increased use of our 24/7 chat support, which is further evidence of more teacher involvement.
Chart: Number of incidents made through chat in NUADU app
In March, the number of inquiries submitted via the NUADU support line increased four times compared to February.
4. Readiness of schools
Schools that implemented NUADU a few months or years ago show much more interest and use of the system compared to schools that are just beginning to implement the technology. In March, the number of assignments given in these schools was 40% higher than in other schools.
Overnight, the tool became the default solution and enabled the continuation of the learning process. It worth noting that all new implementations of the NUADU system in schools in March and April took place entirely remotely, including the presentation of the solution, signing of documents, configuration, and training. This proves that educational units are more open to the remote implementation process than ever.
5. Parental involvement in the teaching process
Parents currently play a leading role in the educational process of students.
Chart: Number of unique logins of Parents in NUADU app
During the school closing period, we noticed a significant increase in interest in the platform among parents. This is because parents began to organize their child’s learning time, often sharing access to the same device. We recorded an increase of 349.3% in parents’ logins in March compared to February.
6. Opportunity for self-study
During the school closing period, in addition to homework set by the teachers in the activity system, the students began to use the Own Work functionality to a greater extent, which allows them to make up for deficiencies in a given area. The increase in interest reached 400% in March.
Chart: Self-study – number of assigned activities
7. Summary
The beginnings of remote education, as the above conclusions show, is not as difficult as expected. The road to better education can be challenging, but the transformation has begun and will continue given the current global conditions.
With the opening of schools to the technology necessary to conduct classes remotely, the vision of supporting teachers in areas that can be served by technology becomes real. This allows them to focus on what is most important – teaching and helping students.
Currently, the NUADU platform helps teachers:
check the tasks assigned to students,
assess and show the individual student progress,
suggest content that supplements student knowledge,
save time on routine activities, and
identify areas in which students need help.
Leveraging the benefits of technology will allow a much-needed change in the teacher’s role in the educational process from classic, a person who transfers the issues for mastery (content provider), to a more supportive role that helps students achieve their goals (facilitator)
This paradigm shift, which has been described in the world pedagogical literature for years, is highly desirable because it leads to the long-awaited evolution of the approach to educating students with continually changing needs. The digital world, specifically remote education, allows this transformation in the most straightforward and effective way.
Hầu hết các giáo viên khi dạy trực tuyến đều sẽ gặp một số khó khăn như thiếu sự tương tác với học sinh, mất tập trung, trục trặc kỹ thuật và đối mặt với nguy cơ lây lan dịch bệnh. Sau đây là những lời khuyên để khuyến khích học sinh tham gia lớp học trực tuyến nhiệt tình hơn.
Hiện nay hầu hết các quốc gia đều cho học sinh học tập tại nhà trong giai đoạn cách ly để hạn chế sự lây lan dịch bệnh. Dù các trường học có thực hiện kế hoạch này dài hạn hay chỉ đơn giản là một biện pháp tạm thời để ngăn chặn dịch bệnh thì giáo viên cũng cần tìm ra các phương pháp dạy học hiệu quả tại nhà.
Việc dạy học trực tuyến không chỉ đòi hỏi phải có tài liệu học tập phù hợp và kết nối internet tốt mà giáo viên phải chủ động dẫn dắt và hỗ trợ học sinh làm quen với việc học trực tuyến này, bởi vì nó hoàn toàn trái ngược với môi trường lớp học mà giáo viên và học sinh đã quen thuộc.
Khi tiến hành dạy trực tuyến, giáo viên cần xem xét những khó khăn cũng như tính khả thi của một lớp học trực tuyến. Cả thầy và trò đều phải có quyền truy cập vào tài liệu học và chế độ tham gia trên nền tảng NUADU kết hợp cùng MS Teams. Đồng thời, giáo viên sẽ phải giải quyết một số khó khăn như thiếu sự tương tác với học sinh, mất tập trung, các vấn đề kỹ thuật và nguy cơ lây lan dịch bệnh.
Tin vui là chúng tôi cũng có một số lời khuyên hữu ích dành cho giáo viên để thúc đẩy học sinh của mình học trực tuyến hiệu quả hơn:
1. Xác định mục tiêu
Học sinh sẽ có xu hướng học tích cực hơn nếu biết mục tiêu đề ra trước khi học. Khi các em biết rằng việc học này sẽ mang lại điều gì đó hữu ích cho cuộc sống của mình thì các em sẽ hăng hái học hơn, cho nên khi giáo viên giao bài tập hoặc hoạt động thảo luận thì nên làm rõ mục tiêu trước và hướng đến kết quả cuối cùng ra sao.
2. Hướng dẫn rõ ràng
Giáo viên cần đưa ra các hướng dẫn và yêu cầu rõ ràng về thời gian cũng như hỗ trợ học sinh vạch ra chương trình học cụ thể giúp học sinh dễ dàng theo sát và tiến bộ hơn trong việc học.
Giáo viên nên đưa ra hướng dẫn dưới dạng gợi ý không quá khó hiểu, yêu cầu học sinh làm bài theo đúng khả năng của các em. Khi có hướng dẫn cụ thể, học sinh sẽ theo bài dễ hơn vì các em cảm thấy rằng nhu cầu học và đóng góp của các em có giá trị hơn. Vì học sinh còn bỡ ngỡ với việc học trực tuyến nên giáo viên cũng nên linh hoạt trong giai đoạn đầu còn khó khăn và không quá khắt khe nếu học sinh chưa tuân thủ theo hướng dẫn.
3. Đặt câu hỏi thu hút
Câu hỏi như thế nào mới thúc đẩy học sinh học trực tuyến và thảo luận tích cực hơn? Đó chính là các dạng câu hỏi sau:
Câu hỏi mở – Loại câu hỏi khuyến khích học sinh phải trả lời và giải thích nhiều hơn.
Gợi ý suy nghĩ sâu hơn – Những câu hỏi hay sẽ giúp học sinh phân tích, đánh giá, đào sâu hơn và khám phá khả năng của bản thân.
Yêu cầu học sinh sử dụng tài liệu có sẵn để xây dựng câu trả lời – Câu hỏi hay được xây dựng dựa trên nội dung khóa học, giúp học sinh có cái nhìn sâu sắc hơn về bộ môn đang học vì mỗi chủ đề được kết nối với nội dung đã thảo luận trước đó.
4. Giao bài tập đa dạng
Giáo viên nên liên tục đặt câu hỏi và cho học sinh trả lời, giao các bài tập phù hợp như giải quyết vấn đề, ví dụ thực tế cùng nhiều hoạt động khác nhưng phải đảm bảo các hoạt động này đạt được mục tiêu học tập của học sinh.
5. Đưa ra phản hồi có giá trị
Để giúp học sinh tiến bộ trong suốt khóa học, giáo viên nên phản hồi thường xuyển để học sinh biết được mình đã làm tốt những gì và cần cải thiện điểm nào. Các công cụ đánh giá của NUADU sẽ giúp giáo viên đánh giá chuẩn xác hơn và đề xuất các bài tập và hoạt động phù hợp cho từng học sinh cụ thể.
Bạn có đang tìm kiếm một công cụ học tập tại nhà hiệu quả? Liên hệ để biết thêm thông tin về lớp học trực tuyến của NUADU hợp tác cùng Microsoft để mang lại giải pháp học trực tuyến cực kì hiệu quả nhé!
Ketika Anda menyelenggarakan kelas online, Anda akan menghadapi situasi yang kurang interaksi tatap muka, masalah teknis, dan ketidakpastian akan berbagai isu pandemi. Berikut ini adalah tips dari NUADU untuk mendorong partisipasi siswa selama kelas online.
Pengaplikasian Home-based learning mengalami peningkatan yang sangat drastis karena sebagian besar negara melakukan lockdown untuk mencegah penyebaran virus corona. Jika sekolah Anda berencana untuk melakukan ini, baik dalam jangka panjang atau hanya sebagai langkah sementara, maka Anda sekarang perlu mencari cara agar dapat mengajar secara efektif dan melakukan berbagai pengaturan secara jarak jauh.
Mengajar secara online tidak cukup dengan hanya memiliki sumber daya yang tepat dan koneksi internet yang baik. Anda harus memimpin dan membantu para siswa untukmenyesuaikan diri dengan situasi saat ini, atau biasa disebut dengan ‘the new normal’. Bagaimanapun penyesuaian telah dilakukan, perlu dipahami bahwa pengajaran Online akan cukup kontras dengan lingkungan kelas yang Anda dan siswa Anda biasa jalani.
Ketika Anda melakukan kelas online, Anda perlu mempertimbangkan tantangan dan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang terjadi pada kelas virtual. Anda dan para siswa memiliki akses ke serangkaian sumber pembelajaran dan mode partisipasi yang sangat lengkap pada platform NUADU dan MS Teams. Pada saat yang sama, Anda tetap perlu menyesuaikan diri dengan kurangnya interaksi tatap muka, distraksi, masalah teknis, dan berbagai ketidakpastian akan isu pandemi.
Berita baiknya, kami membagikan tips-tips ini untuk mendorong partisipasi siswa selama kelas online.
1. Perjelas Tujuan Anda
Siswa cenderung akan lebih banyak berpartisipasi jika mereka memahami tujuan dari apa yang mereka lakukan. Mereka perlu tahu bahwa mereka akan belajar sesuatu yang bermanfaat dan relevan. Jadi, setiap kali Anda meminta mereka untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan atau mengajak mereka untuk masuk ke dalam diskusi, jelaskan tujuan Anda dan bagaimana kegiatan tersebut akan memberikan poin dan hasil penting dari proses pembelajaran.
2. Berikan Pedoman Pembelajaran Yang Jelas
Menetapkan pedoman dan ekspektasi yang jelas terkait komitmen, waktu, tugas, dan upaya dapat membantu siswa memahami struktur untuk proses pembelajaran mereka. Ini akan memberikan arah yang lebih konkret dalam memahami pelajaran dan ukuran yang lebih nyata terkait kemajuan siswa.
Sampaikan pedoman ini sebagai masukan, bukan aturan yang mengekang dan instan. Mintalah masukan kepada para siswa tentang apa yang tampak realistis dengan konteks masing-masing. Ketika Anda menyetujui pedoman tersebut, siswa lebih cenderung untuk mengikutinya karena mereka merasa bahwa kebutuhan dan kontribusi mereka dihargai. Ini adalah waktu yang luar biasa, jadi berikan sedikit fleksibilitas dan tidak serta-merta memberikan hukuman jika pedoman ini tidak diikuti dengan sempurna oleh siswa.
3. Ajukan Pertanyaan yang Menarik
Pertanyaan seperti apa yang mendorong partisipasi dalam kelas online? Tentu jenis pertanyaan yang membuat diskusi kelas menjadi hidup:
Open-Ended – Pertanyaan yang dijawab lebih dari sekedar Ya/Tidak, pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini akan menggerakkan siswa untuk menguraikan dan menjelaskan.
Menghasilkan pemikiran dan refleksi yang lebih tinggi – Pertanyaan yang bagus juga menggerakkan siswa untuk menganalisis, menilai, menggali lebih dalam, dan mengeksplorasi berbagai kemungkinan.
Mendorong siswa untuk menggunakan materi pelajaran untuk membangun jawaban mereka – Pertanyaan yang bagus dibangun berdasarkan konten materi pelajaran, hal ini akan memberikan siswa pandangan yang maju tentang materi tersebut karena setiap topik terhubung dengan apa yang telah dibahas sebelumnya.
4. Berikan Beragam Kegiatan
Kelas tidak harus selalu berupa sesi tanya jawab. Buatlah kegiatan seperti pemecahan masalah, studi kasus, dan lainnya. Tetapi pastikan kegiatan ini mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, bukan hanya sekedar menambah kegiatan/kesibukan.
5. Berikan Evaluasi yang Membangun
Ketika siswa Anda mengalami kemajuan yang signifikan di dalam kelas, berikan masing-masing dari mereka penialain yang akan membantu mereka memahami dan melihat di mana posisi mereka – apakah yang mereka lakukan baik, dan apa yang mereka butuhkan untuk menjadi lebih baik. Gunakan sistem penilaian NUADU untuk membantu Anda membuat penilaian yang tepat dan merekomendasikan latihan dan kegiatan untuk setiap siswa.
Tertarik dengan sistem home-based learning yang dapat Anda siapkan dalam sehari? Yuk dapatkan info lebih lanjut tentang Kelas Online NUADU, yang merupakan solusi pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan kemitraan bersama Microsoft!
When you conduct online classes, you need to deal with the lack of face-to-face interaction, distractions, technical issues, and the uncertainty of a pandemic. Here are the tips for encouraging student participation during an online class.
Home-based learning is experiencing a surge in popularity as most countries go on lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Whether your school plans to do this long term or simply as a stop-gap measure, you now need to figure out how to teach effectively and completely in a remote setup.
Teaching online involves more than having the right resources and a good internet connection. You have to take the lead and help your students adjust to the new normal. After all, it is quite a contrast to the classroom environment that you and your students are used to.
When you conduct online classes, you need to consider the challenges and possibilities of a virtual class. You and your students have access to an amazing set of resources and participation modes on the combined NUADU platform and MS Teams. At the same time, you need to deal with the lack of face-to-face interaction, distractions, technical issues, and the uncertainty of a pandemic.
Good thing we have these tips for encouraging student participation during an online class.
1. Clarify Your Purpose
Students tend to participate more if they know that there is a point to what they are doing. They need to know that they will learn something useful and relevant. So, whenever you ask them to do an activity or lead them into a discussion, clarify your objectives and how they lead to the main learning outcomes of the course.
2. Set Clear Guidelines
Setting clear guidelines and expectations about commitment, time, work, and effort helps give students a structure to their learning. This would give a more concrete direction to the course and a more tangible gauge to student progress.
Phrase these guidelines as suggestions, not hard and fast rules. Invite your students’ input about what seems realistic given their individual contexts. When you agree on the guidelines, students are more likely to follow them as they feel that their needs and contributions are valued. These are extraordinary times, so provide a bit of flexibility and extend grace if these guidelines are not followed perfectly.
3. Ask Engaging Questions
What kind of questions are boost participation in an online class? The same type that makes classroom discussions come alive:
Open-ended – Answerable by more than yes/no, these questions move students to elaborate and explain.
Elicits higher thinking and reflection – Good questions also move students to analyse, assess, dig deeper, and explore possibilities.
Requires the students to use the course content to build their answers – Good questions build upon the course’s content, giving students a progressing view of the subject matter as each topic is connected to what was discussed before.
4. Provide Diverse Activities
Classes shouldn’t always be just question-and-answer sessions. Create suitable activities like problem-solving, case studies, and others. But make sure these activities achieve the learning objectives, not just busywork.
5. Give Valuable Feedback
As your students progress through the course, give each of them feedback that would help them assess and see where they are — what they are doing good, and what they need to improve. Use NUADU’s assessment tools to help you make proper assessments and recommend exercises and activities for each student.
Interested in a home-based learning tool that you can set up in a day? Ask about NUADU’s Online Class, a distance learning solution in partnership with Microsoft.