Indonesia News Offer

Distance Learning (pembelajaran jarak jauh): Pendidikan di masa COVID-19 dan Cuaca Ekstrim

Tahun ini baru berjalan sampai di Februari, namun kita telah menyaksikan kebakaran besar di Australia, letusan gunung berapi di Filipina, dan COVID-19 yang menyebar dengan cepat di seluruh dunia.

Alasan seperti topan dan berbagai penyakit anak, hal-hal ini menambah banyak hari sekolah yang terlewatkan setiap tahunnya. Ini merupakan keadaan yang tidak baik untuk anak-anak kita, karena hari-hari yang terlewat itu tentu dapat berdampak negatif pada prestasi akademik mereka.

Lalu apa berita bagusnya? Sekarang ada cara untuk tetap menyelenggarakan kegiatan Pendidikan/belajar-mengajar di luar sekolah, dengan tetap mempertimbangkan kesehatan dan keselamatan Anda.

NUADU merupakan platform pendidikan berbasis data yang menyediakan konten pembelajaran dan juga sistem penilaian. Dengan NUADU, smartphone dan komputer dapat menjadi alat untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh (Distance Learning) yang selaras dengan kurikulum nasional.

Simak video ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana NUADU memudahkan pembelajaran jarak jauh untuk Anda.

Pembelajaran jarak jauh
Indonesia News

Al-Azhar Syifa Budi school is on board!

We are thrilled to announce that one of the largest school chains in Indonesia – almost 8000 students across 15 branches (and counting!) – has signed a contract with NUADU. 

NUADU onboards Al-Azhar Syifa Budi school

In the first year a pilot program will be implemented with 600 students across 2 branches. Then after a successful first year, NUADU would be rolled out to all 15 branches. Al-Azhar Syifa Budi is a leading Muslim school in Indonesia and we look forward to more schools coming on board with us in the future.

Indonesia News

ANPS Roadshow

In our ongoing quest to promote the use of educational technology in K12 sector, we partnered with the ANPS (Association of National and Private Schools). 

NUADU ANPS roadshow Indonesia

ANPS is committed to advancing the interests of National and Private Schools throughout Indonesia. NUADU participates in an ongoing series of events held during ANPS Roadshow, where teachers and school principals gathered to participate in an exchange of ideas and share best practices in education.

Indonesia News

In March NUADU took part in two important events in Indonesia and the USA, organised by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency

We were thrilled to attend Polish Tech Day in Jakarta, an event showcasing 10 Polish startups with business thriving in Asia. We presented our vision on how to improve digital education and shared our experiences from the EdTech sector in Indonesia. We also participated in several enriching workshops, meetings and panel events.

Polish Tech Day, Jakarta

NUADU took part in a Trade Mission to North Carolina. The delegation included NUADU and 5 other Polish companies interested in learning more about the region’s FinTech and Education sectors in the Triangle Region. The reception was co-hosted by the Research Triangle Regional Partnership (RTRP) and the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC).

Indonesia News

The 10th ANPS Teacher’s Conference

On 9th of February 2019, the NUADU team participated in The 10th ANPS Teacher’s Conference (Association of National and Private Schools, Indonesia). The event was held at Beacon Academy Jakarta and the main topic for discussion was “From Being Stuck to Making Things Stick: Teaching So Students Remember”.

More than 250 participants from 50 schools around Indonesia that use the National and International Curriculum were in attendance!

NUADU attends 10th ANPS in Indonesia
Association of National and Private Schools, Indonesia

We also had the chance to meet with 20 decision makers from 20 schools to introduce them to NUADU. We managed to get interest from several Principals from Jakarta and other Islands in Indonesia, and are now preparing to visit them to provide further information about the platform. We also generated interest from teachers that participated in the event and will be visiting their schools within the month.

Indonesia News


Pada tanggal 9 February 2019 yang lalu, Tim NUADU turut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ANPS TEACHERS CONFERENCE ke 10 (Asosiasi Sekolah Nasional Plus Indonesia). Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Beacon Academy Jakarta dengan Tema “From Being Stuck to Making Things Stick : Teaching So Students Remember”.

Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh lebih Dari 250 orang Guru yang berasal Dari 50 Sekolah di seluruh Indonesia Dan menggunakan Kurikulum Nasional Serta Kurikulum Internasional.

NUADU attends ANPS Indonesia
Asosiasi Sekolah Nasional Plus Indonesia

Tim kami juga mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan Para Pembuat Keputusan Dari 20 Sekolah yg berasal Dari Jakarta dan pulau lain di Indonesia untuk memperkenalkan NUADU. Kami menerima respon positif Dari beberapa Kepala Sekolah tersebut Dan saat ini kami sedang mengatur waktu untuk bertemu serta menjelaskan lebih jauh mengenai NUADU. Para Guru yang hadir pada kegiatan tersebut juga menunjukkan minat untuk mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai NUADU dan Tim kami akan mengunjungi Sekolah mereka di bulan February ini.

Indonesia News Poland

Interviews and surveys with users of our platform

Encounters with Teachers in Poland, Singapore, and Jakarta

October 2018 was a very fruitful month for NUADU. We had a series of meetings with school teachers, directors and heads of municipalities, mayors of cities. We visited the 5th ICT Congress in Education in Toruń and the VII Forum of Directors of Education Institutions in Katowice. We conducted interviews and surveys with users of our platform in Gdynia, Singapore, and Jakarta to take a closer look at their everyday work, learn about problems and needs. We will present our findings in the research report in Q1 2019! Watch this space or subscribe to our newsletter on!