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ALIGN and ALIGN Plus: English Proficiency Testing with Detailed, AI-Powered Skill Insights

At NUADU, we’re committed to advancing English proficiency testing through the use of AI-driven technologies. With our ALIGN® and ALIGN Plus® products, institutions can assess student language skills efficiently while receiving detailed, data-driven reports.

🌐 ALIGN®: Adaptive Testing with AI for Writing and Speaking
Our ALIGN® product, already used by clients in the US and Mexico, provides an accurate and adaptive way to evaluate English proficiency. Key features include:

  • AI-powered grading for writing and speaking tasks, which evaluate critical aspects like fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and prosody. These assessments are teacher-led, ensuring that educators remain central to the evaluation process.
  • The rest of the test, including Reading, Listening, and Use of English, is automatically graded by the system for instant, reliable results.
  • Detailed, AI-generated reports provide educators with deep insights, including a breakdown of speaking skills, such as fluency, grammar, pronunciation, and lexical competence. These unique reports are powered by our proprietary skills mapping technology, offering a granular understanding of student performance.

🎓 ALIGN Plus®: Comprehensive Language Testing with Default Writing and Speaking
ALIGN Plus® is designed for more advanced settings, such as graduate admissions or professional evaluations. Currently in its test phase at MIT, this version includes Writing and Speaking sections by default, with full AI-powered grading.

  • Writing and Speaking assessments are scored using CEFR-aligned criteria, providing consistent evaluations. The AI-generated feedback breaks down specific areas such as narrative structure, coherence, and lexical use in writing, as well as fluency, phonological control, and vocabulary in speaking.
  • Just like in ALIGN, educators remain central, guiding the AI-powered assessments to ensure the human touch in evaluating language skills.
  • Reports provide an in-depth breakdown of performance, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement, all while utilizing our unique skill-mapping system that connects results to specific linguistic competencies.

🔒 AI Proctoring for Secure Testing
Both ALIGN® and ALIGN Plus® ensure the integrity of the testing environment with AI-powered proctoring. This feature monitors test-taker behavior to prevent cheating, giving institutions confidence in the results.

📜 Certificates with QR Code Verification
All certificates issued after completing an ALIGN® test come with a QR code that links to the official certificate stored in NUADU’s system. This feature allows quick and easy verification, ensuring that certificates presented to employers or institutions are genuine.

ALIGN and ALIGN Plus are setting new benchmarks for English proficiency testing, combining AI-driven technology with detailed reporting. Whether used for academic placement or professional assessments, these tools offer a reliable and efficient way to evaluate language skills, all while keeping teachers and educators at the forefront.

Want to learn more? Contact us today!