
Join NUADU at the EduTech Asia 2019

EduTECH Asia, 4–6 November, Singapore

Our booth is located in Hall 401–404, Booth D.20.
Please contact us to book a meeting!


Join NUADU at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2019

Frankfurter Buchmesse, 16–20 October, Frankfurt, Germany

Our booth is located in Hall 4.2, stand B.58. Please contact us to book a meeting!


NUADU on how to adopt emerging technologies to be ready for the future

Join us at the 3rd PLUGin Singapore Edutech Meetup on 24th October 2019 at Developer Space @ Google Singapore for a panel discussion on education of the future generations. Marcin Wojnowski, Founder and CEO at NUADU is one of the panelists.

Emerging technologies are transforming the way we design, build, distribute and consume products. The industries of the future will require different kinds of skills set to compete and sustain. Institutions and government agencies need to rethink how to re-skill not only the current workforce but also educate the future generation in and with the emerging, gamified and immersive technologies such as IoT, Machine Learning, XR, Robotics.

News Philippines

Digital Leaders’ Forum, Manila

University of Santo Tomas, Manila, August 10th, 2019.

Digital Leaders’ Forum focuses on the enhancement of classroom instruction, assessment and research using digital technology and new paradigms and framework in education.

The event will be held at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila on August 10th, 2019.

This free forum is open to all principals, subject coordinators, school owners, key decision makers who would like to expand their knowledge about educational technology. Special lectures will be conducted to discuss how they can thrive despite their challenges as 21st century educational leaders.

The event is sponsored by NUADU.


NUADU at EdTech Asia Summit 2019

August 1-2, 2019 | Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore

EdTech Asia Summit brings together leading thought leaders in the learning, work, and talent innovation for two full days of engaging sessions, workshops, and social networking events.

NUADU is being represented by Arjun Singh who is the moderator the ‘Scaling Education Content Distribution and Product in Southeast Asian Markets‘ topic panel.

Session Details: Hall #2, Friday, August 2nd, 2019, 1:30PM-2:00PM


News Poland

NUADU na konferencji ISTE

Przedstawiciele NUADU odwiedzą największe wydarzenie światowe branży EdTech – ISTE The International Society for Technology in Education. Konferencja odbędzie się 23 czerwca 2019 w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w Filadelfii. Serdecznie zapraszamy na rozmowę i kawę.

Bardzo chętnie odwiedzimy również Państwa placówkę oświatową i pokażemy, jak można wspierać edukację z wykorzystaniem innowacji technologicznych i sztucznej inteligencji.


Meet our Team at the ISTE EdTech Conference

Representatives of NUADU will attend the ISTE EdTech conference in Philadelphia on 23-26 June.

Any education representatives interested in supporting or implementing technological innovations supported by Artificial Intelligence in their schools, please contact us to arrange a meeting.

Philadelphia, USA
ISTE Conf. & Expo 2019
23-26 June 2019

News Poland

NUADU zaprasza do Lublina na konferencję Edukacja Przyszłości

W dniach 21-22 maja odbędzie się VI edycja konferencji Edukacja Przyszłości. Platforma edukacyjna NUADU zaprezentuje się w panelu tematycznym Multimedialna szkoła.

Na stoisku NUADU będą mogli Państwo poznać zalety platformy i umówić się na próbny okres wdrożeniowy w szkole. Zapraszamy również do udziału w panelach dyskusyjnych 21 maja (godz. 12:20) i 22 maja (godz. 14:00) na temat przyszłości szkół i możliwościach rozwoju edukacji. Wiceprezes NUADU Paweł Czech będzie rozmawiać wraz z innymi ekspertami o tym, jak przygotować uczniów do życia w świecie, w którym większość czynności i prac wykonywać będą roboty i komputery.

Organizatorem wydarzenia Edukacja Przyszłości 2019 jest Municipium SA, wydawca Pisma Samorządu Terytorialnego „Wspólnota” oraz Miasto Lublin.

Konferencja wpisała się na listę ogólnopolskich wydarzeń, które inspirują liderów samorządów terytorialnych, pracowników merytorycznych odpowiedzialnych za oświatę i przedstawicieli biznesu. Zapisy na konferencję są przyjmowane na stronie organizatorów.


NUADU to be showcased as part of ‘School of The Future’ zone at Microsoft EduDays 2019

The NUADU team invites you to join us at the EduDays 2019 conference, hosted by Microsoft for Education, in Warsaw on May 16.

The NUADU platform will be showcased in the ‘School of the Future’ interactive zone and featured in a presentation on the future vision of what school will look like in the year 2030, along with other state-of-the-art technologies.

Participants will have an opportunity to test our ready-to-implement solution, discuss its advantages with members of our team, and book a trial for their schools.

The NUADU demo will be accompanied by other presentations featuring good practices and interesting projects from all over the world. Some AI, blockchain and machine learning solutions will also be discussed. 

The conference admission is free of charge.

When: 16 May 2019, 09:30-16:00
Where: MS Mermaid, Wioślarska 8, Warszawa

For the detailed agenda and to register, please visit:

News Philippines

Thrive for your Tribe! and NUADU Champs

We had a fantastic time at the ‘FIT: Thrive for your Tribe’ event held at Xavier School in San Juan City

NUADU Campus at Xavier School in San Juan City Philippines

It was a great opportunity to meet with teachers and offer them NUADU accounts to test out our platform and become part of our ‘NUADU Champs’ – the name for teachers and school administrators using NUADU.

A Facebook group will soon go live for the NUADU Champs and will serve as the place for event announcements, updates and more.