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Mental health during COVID-19 has taken a toll on Children & Adolescents social & emotional well-being!

Mental health during COVID-19 has taken a toll on Children & Adolescents social & emotional well-being! Learn what can you do about it today with SEL for Prevention evidence-based program that improves self-regulation and social competence.

SEL for Prevention is a comprehensive social and emotional learning curriculum designed for elementary & middle school students. Now available in a digital educational app platform designed to provide each student with an unique learning experience based on their proficiency, which it measures.

NUADU provides digital learning solution for SEL for Prevention.

Indonesia Main Page Manage Mats

Manajemen Kelas

Siswa di kelas Bapak-Ibu sering mengganggu pelajaran? Pertanyaan di kelas selalu dijawab oleh siswa yang itu-itu saja? Waktunya Bapak-Ibu menerapkan manajemen kelas.

Manajemen kelas adalah istilah yang digunakan oleh guru untuk menjelaskan suatu proses yang membuat proses belajar mengajar berjalan lancar tanpa gangguan dari siswa. Istilah ini juga dapat diartikan sebagai tindakan pencegahan perilaku yang mengganggu dari siswa sekaligus arahan bagaimana cara merespon perilaku tersebut ketika telah terjadi.

Salah satu manajemen kelas yang mudah digunakan adalah manage-mat. Kita bisa membagi siswa ke dalam kelompok kecil beranggotakan 4-6 orang. Setiap meja terdiri dari murid yang pandai sampai yang kurang pandai. (Catatan: kita tidak boleh memberitahukan siapa murid yang kurang pandai di kelompok tersebut). Dalam manage-mat ini, siswa diajak untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses belajar, tetap fokus dan mengerjakan tugasnya. Pembagian siswa dalam kelompok kecil ini juga mempermudah kita mengatur mereka.

Berbagai macam strategi belajar mengajar dapat diterapkan dan dikombinasikan seperti: rally-robin, round robin, timed-pair share, dll. Detail lebih jelasnya ada pada pdf di bawah ini.

Dapatkan Manage-Mat mu secara gratis!

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Main Page Manage Mats

Class Management

Are your students interrupting your lesson? It is time for you to learn Class Management.

Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly without disruptive behaviour from students compromising the delivery of instruction. The term also implies the prevention of disruptive behaviour preemptively.

One of the class management strategies is the “manage-mat”.

We split the student into small groups of around 4-6 students. Each table consists of a strong student and a weaker student. (Note: We are not allowed to tell the students which one of them is the weakest).

In this manage-mat arrangement, students are encouraged to participate in the class discussion, keep them engaged to the task. It is more manageable through groupings. Other strategies include: rally-robin, round robin, timed-pair share, etc.

Found that helpful? Get a FREE Class Management strategy document (PDF)!

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Indonesia Main Page

Inovasi dan Penelitian dalam Pengajaran

Kami mengundang para guru dan pimpinan sekolah dari sektor publik dan swasta Indonesia untuk hadir dan mengikuti Festival Belajar-Mengajar online “Inovasi dan Penelitian dalam Pengajaran: mempercepat transformasi dalam pendidikan” 21-23 Desember 2020! Untuk informasi detail dan pendaftaran dapat dilihat pada tautan berikut:

#Indonesia #education #transformation #teachers #schoolleaders #transformingeducation #teachingandlearning #teaching #edtech

Indonesia Main Page News

Innovation and Research in Teaching

We are delighted to invite teachers and school leaders from the Indonesian public and private sector for the online Teaching & Learning Festival “Innovation and Research in Teaching: accelerating transformation in education” 21-23 December 2020! Details and registration:

#Indonesia #education #transformation #teachers #schoolleaders #transformingeducation #teachingandlearning #teaching #edtech

Language Exams Main Page Offer

Measure young learners’ English skills

The Young Learners Examinations (YLE) are examinations offered for young learners, aligned with the Cambridge Young Learner’s English Tests (CYLET) content and are designed for students aged between 7 to 12 years old who are learning English as a second or additional language.

There are three levels to the examinations; Starters, Movers and Flyers, which all test students’ abilities in all four English skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing, and students can start at a level that is suited to their current English ability, as assessed by their teacher.

The YLE content introduces students to everyday spoken and written English in an engaging, fun and methodical way to help children gain knowledge and confidence to learn and improve their English. The materials provided are designed specifically for younger learners using interesting, colourful and vibrant pictures with relatable characters and topics to widen their vocabulary and comprehension skills.

The examinations are structured in three sections; Listening, Reading and Writing, and Speaking and are conducted in a low-pressure and enjoyable way to ensure young learners and comfortable and confident. Students receive a report card after completing their examination which awards them shields for each section of the exam. Students can receive between one to five shields in each section which indicate their strengths and areas for improvement.

Main Page Tutorials Videos

Welcome to the NUADU training tutorials for teachers and students!

Here you can find a playlist of 23 tutorial videos on a wide range of NUADU functionalities to enable you and your students to meet your academic targets and goals.

As teachers, NUADU equips you with the tools to empower your students to reach their academic ambitions, enjoy the learning process and to study easily and conveniently anywhere, anytime. These videos provide teachers with the essential NUADU skills from how to assign activities to students, how to create your own resources and questions, and how to effortlessly check student results and long-term progress using the powerful auto-marking system and data analytics.

For students, these tutorial videos will give them an easy to follow guide on how to perform all the functions they require on NUADU. They will be able to successfully complete their assigned activities, as well as take autonomy of their own learning by keeping track of their results and progress in the areas of subjects, topics, learning objectives and cognitive skills.

NUADU Indonesia Tutorials

NUADU Plilippines Tutorials

NUADU Vietnam Tutorials

Language Exams Main Page Offer

Prepare your students for IELTS, TOEIC, and TOEFL ITP tests

NUADU’s online assessment platform offers internationally aligned language exams and mock exams for TOEIC, IELTS, and EPIT (TOEFL-ITP aligned), conducted online and automatically marked with data-driven results. NUADU English Exams have been taken by thousands of test takers from universities and private language schools around the world. Also suitable for corporate learning!

Increase your scalability and efficiency

Combined with certified content by Innova Press, NUADU is a faster and cheaper way of conducting English level evaluation as well as conducting mock-exams. You get immediate results based on automatic marking with sub-skill data following exam scoring metric and CEFR. And you don’t have to limit your operations to the size of your classroom.

Improve school success metrics

NUADU assessment tool delivers reliable and accurate assessment data based on students’ performance. It measures students’ strengths and weaknesses at both skill and sub-skill levels. Predicting scores before taking the costly real exam increases students’ comfort and effectiveness.

Offer flexibility for learners

Learners can practice effectively to achieve their target score using self-study, automated results, instant feedback, and progress tracking. Certified learning resources with questions and supplementary resources in all exam categories. Allows for learning at any time, any place on any device.

Centralize your data and monitor learner’s performance

As all exams are delivered on the NUADU institutional platform, private learning schools and universities have full access to the data in one place.

Avoid cheating

Multiple packages of exams available on the platform helps to prevent cheating. Fresh packages are uploaded every 6 months.

Skill-based practice questions

Depending on the type of exam, IELTS, TOEIC, and EPIT offer Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing types of questions.

Flexible offer

Flexible offer for purchasing packages of tests depending on institution need. Personalization with institution logo is available.

Indonesia Main Page News Offer

Lenovo laptops & NUADU bundle

We are excited to inform, that Lenovo laptops with instant access to NUADU are now available in Indonesia.

Bundled with Lenovo hardware, our learning and assessment platform provides a complete solution for blended and distance learning, online education, and exams. NUADU comes with a three-year license for the learning content for National and International curricula, question banks, and implementation service.

This special offer was prepared jointly by Lenovo and NUADU for the schools in Indonesia. Lenovo and NUADU believe that transforming education is critical for society’s development, and Lenovo has always been proud to provide smarter technologies that engineer smarter classrooms for students. As the education environment is continuously changing, our close collaboration with Lenovo will ensure educators to be able to keep up with the new ways of teachings as students switch to online platforms and distance learning. Through this collaboration, Lenovo and NUADU aspire to provide innovation that meets the demands of distance learning and aids institution with their education transformation journey.

For the schools using National Curriculum, NUADU provides content from renowned educational publishers, available for Primary level 1 – 6 and Secondary level 7 – 12. Over 28,000 resources are available for Matematika, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, PPKn, IPA, IPS, SBDP, Biologi, Fisika, Kimia, Sejarah, Geografi, Ekonomi and Sosiologi.

For the schools using international curricula, NUADU provides internationally renowned Cambridge and Singapore curriculum for the subjects of Cambridge Primary Curriculum level 1 – 6 for Maths and Science with over 13,000 resources available, and Singapore Primary and Lower Secondary for English, Maths, and Science with over 18,000 resources available.

For business enquiries please contact Stella Djajasaputra –

Main Page News Philippines

How to Prepare for Online Learning at Home

Most schools are now shifting to home-based learning because of the quarantine measures implemented by the government. Is your family ready for this?

Here are the things you need to prepare to facilitate your child’s online learning and stay on track with the national curriculum.

5 Essentials for Successful Home-Based Learning

1. How much involvement is required of the parents/caregivers?

The level of involvement can vary greatly. Boxed curricula are usually designed for independent study, with the students having access to answer keys so they can grade their own work. Some online learning portals have automated grading and feedback of quizzes and activities.

Children in the middle grades or older can usually be left to study on their own for longer periods. Just be ready to set out the materials, guide them with their activities, and answer any questions they may have. Note that preschool and early elementary students require more supervision and hands-on involvement.

2. Does your child have a dedicated study area?

Does your child have a personal study area, with a desk or table he or she can work on? Ideally, each child should have his or her personal study desk in a well-lighted area.

However, space could be limited in some households, so siblings have to share study areas. If this is the case, you should set a schedule that gives each child a certain time of day to use the study area.

Also, does your child need to study in a multi-use area? Space can be so limited that children have to use a common family area like the dining table or the living room for lessons. If so, schedule who should use the area at certain times, including the rest of the family for those family times like dinner.

3. Do you have school supplies at home?

Make a list of the supplies your children will need, based on the school’s program for this term. Must-haves include books, writing implements, art materials, and paper. If budget is an issue, siblings can share or reuse materials.

If you live in a small space, school bags are the easiest way to store supplies. Bags are portable, so students can carry everything they need wherever they do their school work. This is especially useful if the study area is shared or multi-use.

Do you have plenty of space at home? Consider investing in shelves. Not only do they provide more storage area, shelves are also nicer to look at.

4. What equipment or technology will they need?

Home-based learning programs usually have an online component, so each child should also have a dedicated computer, laptop, or other device for online lessons. But if they are using, say, a shared computer, create a user profile for each child so that they each can save their work safely without affecting the others’ works.

Which online connection is best for them: DSL, broadband, or mobile data? You also have to factor that you might need the internet bandwidth for your own work if you are working from home. For the best internet providers, ask your neighbors for recommendations.

5. How proficient is your family with technology?

Remember that you will have to learn how to use the apps and the devices that the school requires before the learning sessions begin. If you need help in this area, look up online tutorials or contact the school for help on how to use the apps and devices.

After learning how to use the tech, you will need to teach your children how to use them, if they don’t already know. After teaching them how to use them, give them opportunities to practice so they will be able to concentrate more on the lessons than on operating the app and device correctly.

Education Continuity Plan Webinar

How can you implement the learning continuity plan with the use of technology? Find out more by attending the free Education Continuity Plan Webinar Series by NUADU, Microsoft Philippines, and Big Pond.

This 5-day online series will run from 25 May– 29 May on the Microsoft Teams platform. Learn from Edutech practitioners and innovators about how your school can continue the learning experience beyond the four walls of the classroom.