Jak tworzyć własne zadania dla swoich uczniów – interaktywny samouczek dla Nauczycieli
Tworzenie zadań w NUADU
Tworzenie zadań w NUADU
Tworzenie grup i przyznawanie odznak w NUADU
Zadawanie aktywności w NUADU: zadania, kartkówki, egzaminy, lekcje
Assigning activities: assignment, quiz, exam, lesson.
In this interactive tutorial, you will learn how to assign different types of activities to your students.
Solving activities in NUADU: assignment, quiz & exam
Emerging technologies are transforming the way we design, build, distribute and consume products. The industries of the future will require different kinds of skills set to compete and sustain. Institutions and government agencies need to rethink how to re-skill not only the current workforce but also educate the future generation in and with the emerging, gamified and immersive technologies such as IoT, Machine Learning, XR, Robotics.
Digital Leaders’ Forum focuses on the enhancement of classroom instruction, assessment and research using digital technology and new paradigms and framework in education.
The event will be held at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila on August 10th, 2019.
This free forum is open to all principals, subject coordinators, school owners, key decision makers who would like to expand their knowledge about educational technology. Special lectures will be conducted to discuss how they can thrive despite their challenges as 21st century educational leaders.
The event is sponsored by NUADU.