Indonesia News

The 10th ANPS Teacher’s Conference

On 9th of February 2019, the NUADU team participated in The 10th ANPS Teacher’s Conference (Association of National and Private Schools, Indonesia). The event was held at Beacon Academy Jakarta and the main topic for discussion was “From Being Stuck to Making Things Stick: Teaching So Students Remember”.

More than 250 participants from 50 schools around Indonesia that use the National and International Curriculum were in attendance!

NUADU attends 10th ANPS in Indonesia
Association of National and Private Schools, Indonesia

We also had the chance to meet with 20 decision makers from 20 schools to introduce them to NUADU. We managed to get interest from several Principals from Jakarta and other Islands in Indonesia, and are now preparing to visit them to provide further information about the platform. We also generated interest from teachers that participated in the event and will be visiting their schools within the month.

Indonesia News


Pada tanggal 9 February 2019 yang lalu, Tim NUADU turut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ANPS TEACHERS CONFERENCE ke 10 (Asosiasi Sekolah Nasional Plus Indonesia). Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Beacon Academy Jakarta dengan Tema “From Being Stuck to Making Things Stick : Teaching So Students Remember”.

Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh lebih Dari 250 orang Guru yang berasal Dari 50 Sekolah di seluruh Indonesia Dan menggunakan Kurikulum Nasional Serta Kurikulum Internasional.

NUADU attends ANPS Indonesia
Asosiasi Sekolah Nasional Plus Indonesia

Tim kami juga mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan Para Pembuat Keputusan Dari 20 Sekolah yg berasal Dari Jakarta dan pulau lain di Indonesia untuk memperkenalkan NUADU. Kami menerima respon positif Dari beberapa Kepala Sekolah tersebut Dan saat ini kami sedang mengatur waktu untuk bertemu serta menjelaskan lebih jauh mengenai NUADU. Para Guru yang hadir pada kegiatan tersebut juga menunjukkan minat untuk mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai NUADU dan Tim kami akan mengunjungi Sekolah mereka di bulan February ini.

News Philippines

Introducing NUADU to schools in the Philippines

NUADU is designed to support the teaching process by providing a powerful assessment solution and personalised learning environment for students.

We are proud to announce that we have secured a partnership with Big Pond Enterprises (BPH), a provider of educational technology solutions and other digital resources for K-12 in the Philippines. Thanks to the cooperation with BPH, the NUADU digital platform for personalised learning and assessment has been made available to schools across the country.

If you would like to learn more about our presence in the Philippines and our system, used by educational institutions worldwide, visit us at Edutech Philippines, taking place 20-21 February at SMX Convention Center, Manila.

Meet our team at booth A14 and win a voucher for one of our training programs:

  • The effective implementation of The Flipped Classroom to schools – a four-hour program where teachers learn how to flip the classroom. By the end of the training, all participants will have flipped at least one lesson.
  • The digital transformation roadmap – a training designed for schools that plan to go digital but have not yet done so, or are in the process. Participants will work with experts to prepare a roadmap for their transformation.

Also, come to our presentation on the assessment tools for the STEM program, taking place on 21 February, 15:30 – 16:00, STEM Theatre.

The NUADU system helps to identify students’ learning gaps and then provides content and tools to bridge these gaps effectively. It is a formative, summative and normative digital assessment platform deeply driven by AI and data. NUADU saves each teacher up to 7 hours per week.

Get a free 30-day trial for your school now!

Call Micaela: +63905 441 7415
Or email:

News Philippines Poland

Udostępniamy NUADU dla szkół na Filipinach

NUADU zostało zaprojektowane, aby wspierać proces nauczania, dostarczając narzędzia ewaluacji wiedzy i personalizacji środowiska nauczania dla uczniów. Dzięki nowemu partnerstwu, szkoły na Filipinach będą mogły korzystać z platformy.

Z dumą informujemy, że podpisaliśmy umowę partnerstwa z firmą Big Pond Enterprises (BPH), dostawcą rozwiązań technologicznych dla edukacji oraz zasobów edukacyjnych online dla szkół podstawowych i średnich na Filipinach. Dzięki współpracy z BPH, wdrożenie platformy elearningowej NUADU jest możliwe we wszystkich szkołach na terenie kraju.