Here you can find a playlist of 23 tutorial videos on a wide range of NUADU functionalities to enable you and your students to meet your academic targets and goals.
As teachers, NUADU equips you with the tools to empower your students to reach their academic ambitions, enjoy the learning process and to study easily and conveniently anywhere, anytime. These videos provide teachers with the essential NUADU skills from how to assign activities to students, how to create your own resources and questions, and how to effortlessly check student results and long-term progress using the powerful auto-marking system and data analytics.
For students, these tutorial videos will give them an easy to follow guide on how to perform all the functions they require on NUADU. They will be able to successfully complete their assigned activities, as well as take autonomy of their own learning by keeping track of their results and progress in the areas of subjects, topics, learning objectives and cognitive skills.
NUADU Indonesia Tutorials
NUADU Plilippines Tutorials
NUADU Vietnam Tutorials